Subject: Hairy girls - Chinese Vs Western attitudes
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Post at 18-5-2012 20:20  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by TheButler at 17-5-2012 11:41

Yeah, stubble is bad on either party.  The razor cuts the hair with a sharp, flat edge so when it grows out it's irritating.  Waxing for the girls is the best: takes longer to grow back out and when ...

Very true - but I can't give anybody grief for not choosing the waxing option. its supposed to be less painful as time goes on but still

Personally I'm fond of both the fields and the forests but like many others here the stubble can be annoying in many ways.
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Post at 19-5-2012 14:40  Profile P.M. 
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I definately prefer a nice bush.   I am glad most Asian girls go natural
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Post at 19-5-2012 15:20  Profile P.M. 
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My personal preference is trimmed, then natural. Then again, i have yet to experienced a shaven one, so maybe my ranking will change once I have, heh.

My Korean friend tells me that it is considered bad luck to do it someone who has his/her privates shaven, fyi.
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Post at 20-5-2012 01:07  Profile P.M. 
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I prefer trimmed and shaven, just feels a lot cleaner.
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Post at 20-5-2012 15:34  Profile P.M. 
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I prefer them definitely smooth-clean-fresh-shaven. It is primarily a technical issue.
I like to lick, suck and eat them out until they are going crazy.
If there is no disturbing pubic hair I can daty/69 them in many variations for a very long time.
No pubic hair can stick in my throat and that can be a real downer, if you must choke it out.
Also under time aspects, I can lick a fresh shaven pussy much more longer then a natural one,
without an unpleasant burning on my tongue, if you must fight with wiry hair.
Btw, I do my girls the same favour and shave my LB.

Certainly, i agree with some bros here, the worst case is, if her pussy shave is 3, 4, 5 days old.
That can be a guarantee ticket for a bloody tongue and/or a broken condom.
Here my personal ranking:
1. smooth-clean-fresh-shaven pussy
2. natural, untouched pubic hair
3. bristly, spike pussy hair
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Post at 21-5-2012 07:11  Profile P.M. 
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shaved Pussy

Prefer shaved pussy myself,
landing strips look great as well,

well trimmed don't mind,but long thick matt just turns me off,
2 photo's below 1st about as much pube hair as i like,lol

2nd photo how i prefer,

both ladys out of Makarti

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Post at 21-5-2012 12:10  Profile P.M. 
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I guess if you like to dine down there, I generally prefer to not to deal with a wet jungle of a forest. But yeah the worst is having to deal with stubble.

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