Subject: Makati & Amazonia
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Post at 24-6-2012 22:37  Profile P.M. 
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Makati & Amazonia

Makati & Amazonia
been there last wednesday to Makati and door boy asked me to pay 500$ entry   this is normal??? i leave and told him if you are crazy
then went to Amazonia same situation door boy asked me to pay 200$ entry
is this really normal??
finally managed to enter mes amis near amazonia they have really good bands, lot of westerner there and also some asian girls , have some chat with Malaysian girl but didn’t know if this was a right place?
Frenchexpat (Faites chier la vache)
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Post at 25-6-2012 11:47  Profile P.M. 
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Anulee, mes amis is a civvie place (some WG but very few). One of the excuses to go there. But as far as I recall, they have dj not a band.
For the others, it depends of your ethnicity usually... If western like me, never paid a cover charge.
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Post at 27-6-2012 04:52  Profile P.M. 
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I'm Western as well, although I'm mixed race and therefore suffered similar effects back home.

I detest that entrance policy on all accounts.

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