Subject: naru massage?
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Post at 15-6-2012 15:24  Profile P.M. 
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naru massage?

Hey guys, im planning to visit japan and im totally new to this forum, i tried searching for naru but nothing came up, so anyone who has any info on naru massages?? like is there fs?? how much is it??

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TheButler   16-6-2012 00:11  Acceptance  +1   Welcome, and search for NURU, not naru!
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Post at 18-6-2012 20:36  Profile P.M. 
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Like "TheButler" said, its Nuru Massage.

Did a quick Google Search and found plenty of results.... Go wild and have some fun
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Post at 18-6-2012 21:54  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by art4l1fe at 15-6-2012 15:24
Hey guys, im planning to visit japan and im totally new to this forum, i tried searching for naru but nothing came up, so anyone who has any info on naru massages?? like is there fs?? how much is it??

Hey if you find a good place for nuru in tokyo that accepts gaijin let us know. I have never tried it but it looks amazing, even though I guess that without condom it must be another story. I wonder how they can slip a condom on an LB completely covered with oil.

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