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Post at 21-9-2018 13:50  Profile P.M. 
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UC / Honey Girl - Fake pics?

Hi there just wondering if any of you have tried the UC / Honey Girl groups in HK

Some of these girls look very good, but almost seems too good to be true. Here's one example: ... +section+(Homepage)

I've been to a few of these hotel groups and seems to be lots of bait and switch.

Anyone have experience here? And be careful out there

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Nycpunter   30-9-2018 12:14  Acceptance  +1   
batman108   22-9-2018 01:08  Acceptance  +2   good luck
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Post at 25-9-2018 10:34  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 borat69's post

How about you try for yourself and leave your first report in almost 10 years?

'Yes, Madam, I am drunk, but in the morning I shall be sober and you will still be ugly.'
Jake (The Snake: King of 141)
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Post at 14-10-2018 13:46  Profile P.M. 
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I'm fairly sure UC ads are fake. If the agent is legit, his stable of girls will change every week (or two) as their visas expire. Also, you won't see their ads anywhere else.

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