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Post at 4-7-2018 23:37  Profile P.M.  Yahoo!
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Woman logic - rant

1) Woman doesn't like pushy guys. OK! Being pushy = go getter. That generally translates to career progression or ambition. Then women complain about their bf/SO having a dead end job. Am I missing something here?
2) Woman thinks they are so smart and brags about their intuition. If they are so smart and wise, why are there so many single moms out there? Not only that, they are under 21. They can hardly hold a job for a period of time and they expect to raise their kids successfully? For real?
3) Woman always says that they are looking for conversation. Shit! Rarely one can carry a conversation. Most of them don't even try to create a conversation.

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aurufc   17-7-2018 16:27  Acceptance  +8   Did someone have a bad day? :-))
Random=Guy   17-7-2018 05:39  Acceptance  +1   You mentioned Woman & logic in the same post. Thats where you are going wrong. :)
Pinkpuffy69   9-7-2018 14:26  Acceptance  +3   Points 2 And 3 so dead on.
twiceAweek   6-7-2018 01:59  Acceptance  +3   so … you just hitched eh ? lol
batman108   5-7-2018 12:35  Acceptance  +2   Awesome and thanks
jeffzeke   5-7-2018 02:37  Acceptance  +10   fair points...

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Post at 5-7-2018 16:53  Profile P.M. 
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I agree, that is why I monger. I am sick to the back teeth of the "dating and bar" scene. They should admit it - they want sex, we men want sex. Lets fuck.
Single mother situation, well, how many of them got pregnant by a partner who treated them like dirt?
Then, how come so many many of them keep going for the emotionally and intellectually retarded "bad boy"?
They expect a one way train of I should give, give and give, that will never work as selfish people in general end up by themselves. They deserve it.

They should open their legs for men, we can pay, but I am not going to pay a fortune.
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Post at 7-7-2018 16:16  Profile P.M. 
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If I could go back in time to my younger self, I would :

a) go back to a date just days after my college graduation,

b) tell myself to detox myself of all the bullshit about what 'modern' women want in their men, ie a guy who knows his feminist self and can respect those 'strong' women.

c) then go model my behavior after my father and guys of his generation, ie 'old-fashion', male chauvinistic, sticking to firm opinions (even if it goes against popular thought), to have enough (not the excessive type that staying married is impossible) ambition to be in order to raise a good,  happy family, etc.

Why do the above?

1) Wasted years trying to figure out to get a great girl. I wish someone told me earlier instead having had to figure it out on my own via lots of trial and error.

2) Most 'modern' women who think they are 'strong' are really not at all what they like to think of themselves. They themselves are so confused/conflicted of what they really want in a guy and it really drives guys frustrated in trying to figure how he can reach those constantly moving goalposts?

3) For the guys who grew up with both parents who were never divorced, consider ourselves lucky that there is a pre-existing model for us to emulate in looking for gf/SO. If your parents got divorced, then try to find an older guy who was never divorced to be your friend and someone you can emulate.  

Sure the 'old-fashion' ways can be very chauvinistic (it was an uncomfortable feeling at first but got over it) but damn there are still a lot of girls who like that model and they are the ones who tend not to be confused/conflicted in the types of guys they want to be in relationship.  It is really amazing clarity of what you are heading into.  After I changed my behavior to this 'old-fashion' one, I started attracting many really good girls besides the usual bad, flaky girls.

PS: Adopting the 'Pick-up Artist' ways is not the way to go as it will eventually backfire and karma will catch up with you unless you leave the region for a new region and new identity.

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zebrazebra   25-7-2018 19:02  Acceptance  +4   well said
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Post at 9-7-2018 00:02  Profile Blog P.M. 
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1. Y'all need to learn what it means to be an assertive gentleman.
2. Conversation.... It's true they do. But they want to converse with someone who understands them and empathetic to their thoughts/needs/wants.
3. Sadly, we're not all smart in all aspects of our lives. We all have areas where we might be smarter than others at.. and when it comes to matters of the heart... That's a big blind spot to many people.

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Post at 9-7-2018 14:38  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 UncleDad's post

Well the thing is it gets boring as shit when they constantly need us to be empathetic with their emotions and trials and tribulations, most times they literally create their own issues where none exisit.

Example my cousin " I didn't eat the cookie my female co-worker offered to me, will she hate me? Should I bake her some to show my appreciation? What should I do?"

Me"  in my head " wtf is going on eat the damn cookie or don't I don't f'in care . What I say. Well cousin I'm sure she's not offended..just bake her cookies if it makes you feel better.

Extrapolate this conversation for another f'in 5 hours no kidding.

When you try and bring up a neutral topic, brexit, stock market, who's gonna win the trade war Tiff,  they can't even offer one opinion on it. They literally suck.

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aurufc   17-7-2018 16:27  Acceptance  +6   Dont bake too many cookies or your cuz will get a "are you trying to make me fat" lol
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Post at 10-7-2018 12:26  Profile Blog P.M. 
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Reply #5 Pinkpuffy69's post

The struggle is real. Lol.
There's a reason why that Men are from Mars book was so popular back in the day. Lol.
Everyone has different priorities and limited time to spend. There are plenty of men and women who know nothing about topics about the world at large and also plenty of men and women who are obvious to those issues. It just depends on the specific priorities that person is having at that particular moment.


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