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Post at 30-5-2024 11:07  Profile P.M. 
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OPS - Wan Chai/CWB

long time lurker here. I've been mongering in the past but recently only do saunas with HE. OPS in Wan Chai is easy for me as HE has always been available. I am very curious about the VIP rooms on the 3rd floor that I've read about here previously. Can someone tell me more about this please? How to gain access? Do you need to prepay for a VIP package first? Do you need special connections or have the right conversations with the ladies? When I was paying last time, the front desk ladies showed me a paper which I think had package details on it. The conversation didn't really go far as I don't speak Canto. I just paid and left but have been curious since. Any info about the 3rd floor would be much appreciated.

As for my experience at OPS, I haven't been pre booking anyone before arrival as HE is pretty much a sure thing. Usually get 2 sessions (great massage!) and pay extra $500 for the HE. However, I want to know what happens if I build a better relationship with particular girls and go to the VIP area. Thanks for the help!

I would put this in the Sauna section but I have no privileges!

[ Last edited by  Joeblowhk2024 at 30-5-2024 11:08 ]
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Post at 30-5-2024 17:43  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 Joeblowhk2024's post

you pay 500 for tips total, or you pay extra 500 in addition to what amount ?
All you need to do is to ask the manageress or her PR girls about using the private rooms, they will tell you the price list for the room
Suggest you do a double session with a beautician there

please remember to report back !

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