Subject: Newbie Booking with SPAs
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Post at 28-10-2024 16:05  Profile P.M. 
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Newbie Booking with SPAs

Hi, can you tell me how to book with SPAs as a SPA newbie. They have rejected my booking request as I don’t have past booking records with them. Any tips guys. Thx

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myketin   31-10-2024 19:32  Karma  +3   Try Joyful Spa
longtimelurker   28-10-2024 22:32  Acceptance  +1   Who rejected you, and why?
cityguy   28-10-2024 18:50  Karma  +6   try Wish or Kama/Mia - they tend to be newbie friendly
dienw   28-10-2024 18:01  Karma  +1   Did you try bookings with other spas? Bit chicken and egg otherwise. Otherwise use your charm, chat 'em up.
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Post at 31-10-2024 02:20  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 guiness's post

Got rejected by the agent via telegram. Did try a few other spas (Kissme, Kawaii, Fantasy)but all met with same response. Although one did ask me if I had a referral from a regular punter. Difficult to get onto this train. Anyway ended up going to JSL Mansion for a release
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Post at 31-10-2024 23:22  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 guiness's post

is there some reason these spas might think you're police? a bit unusual ... though JSL is great anyhow
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Post at 1-11-2024 22:17  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 guiness's post

I’m not sure how your messages are but I would keep it short and simple. I usually just ask for availability at a specific time on the day of. Usually no more than 3 hours ahead. Let them send me the rest of the info. Look at the info and pick 30 mins, 60 mins, etc. Do the service negotiations once you’re inside the place.

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