Subject: KH avoid this room for a while!
Erotic Emperor
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Post at 15-8-2023 01:50  Profile P.M. 
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KH avoid this room for a while!

Location:  KH 8A8
Nationality & Language: Chinese
Age: late 20s-30s
Face:  3.5/5
Body: 1.5/5
Skill: 2/5
Service: 2/5
Price & Session Length:  $600
Repeat: NO

I havent written a report before based off of a bad experience but here it is. She looked good at the door but once she took the little bit of clothes she had on i started to feel regret lol. She has some baby damage on her stomach, loose skin. Nipples were way off center and saggy tits. She refused to get on top after BBBJ (+100 for BBBJ). I went mish for a bit but in less than a few mins i realised that wasnt gonna do it for me so i asked her to turn around and go doggy. I need to start asking WGs to do a 360 before goin in because oh my god it hurt every time i pumped because it literally hurt my hips hitting her bony ass. She even told me to go harder and my god it hurt. I fucked her for less than 5 minutes before i just asked her to finish me off with a HJ so i could get out of there.

I remember going to this room a few months back and the WG that was working in this room back then was amazing. I recommend avoiding this room for a while until theres someone new here.

Recent Ratings
jayme   17-8-2023 01:34  Karma  +1   She looks kinda hot at the door tbh. Good to read this report first.
frollics1   15-8-2023 18:57  Acceptance  +3   poor you remember any holes a goal.
sexforhealth   15-8-2023 17:20  Acceptance  +2   Thanks for warning. Glad you remembered room #. Bad exp at Fuji never going back
nnbbs   15-8-2023 16:34  Karma  +4   Thx for the warning
Skepti10   15-8-2023 09:25  Karma  +4   
Goose.Mk2   15-8-2023 09:16  Karma  +8   
monogamous   15-8-2023 06:25  Karma  +5   Thanks for the heads up!
HK_Legend   15-8-2023 04:33  Karma  +8   Sympathy Ks and ...upgrade to KK! Congrats.

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