Subject: Yuen Yuen (Jordan) Huge Tits
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Post at 29-4-2016 00:30  Profile P.M. 
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Yuen Yuen (Jordan) Huge Tits

Date & Time of Session:  24/04/16 around 9pm
Location:  Jordan 89 - 93 Shanghai Street, Jordan
Name:  Yuen Yuen
Agent: N/A
Nationality & Language: Chinese/No English whatsoever
Age: 40+
Face: 2.5/5 fairly pretty for her age but she's well over 40.
Body: 2/5 short and quite dumpy. Unshapely ass, some belly fat. Tits are big but probably fake.
Skill: 0/5 bitch, Please
Service: 0/5 oh, don't make me laugh.
GFE: 0/5 Hahahahaaaaaaaaa....
PSE: 0/5 *facepalm
Price & Session Length: $400 / about 20 mins
Repeat: Absolutely no fucking way.

I found this girl on the database and wanted to try her for one reason - her tits. I read a few reviews and they were ok and her boobs have been reported as real so I wanted to try.

Building is easy to find but you need to call her to get her address as the door isn't marked and doesn't have any lights or anything.

I'm going to keep this really brief because I really don't want to think about it too much as it was such a shitty experience and I really want my $400 back.

Walked in and she asked me if I wanted a massage so I said yes and she told me $400 even though it clearly says $300 on the database, oh well. Got undressed by myself, showered alone and then she told me to lie down on the bed.

She started to give me a really, really fucking crap massage - I can't even describe it. No technique at all. She has no massage skill whatsoever. Anyway, it only lasted a few seconds before she wanted to give me a tit wank which lasted about 1 minute and was crap then she lay down beside me and started to wank me off until I came while I didn't suck or touch her tits.

She tried to massage me again afterwards for about 60 seconds and then kicked me out.

No sex was offered, I wasn't allowed to touch her tits much, I wasn't allowed to suck her nipples AT ALL, no sex was offered, massage was shit, the whole thing lasted 20 minutes including getting dressed/undressed and showering and to add insult to injury she charged me $100 extra. Oh and I think her tits are fake.

I would like to say she's worth a try for all you tit lovers out there but I think her tits are fake. They are soft around the nipple but really hard and lumpy a bit further down towards her chest. My opinion they are fake. If you're really craving some big tits then for fuck sake stay home and have a wank.

Oh, the database photos are totally inaccurate. Highly photoshopped and were taken at least 15 years ago. Seriously, what's the point?

Actually, no I've had time to reflect I'm probably going to retire.....

Please avoid this woman.

Recent Ratings
pushkin13   12-7-2016 18:18  Acceptance  +2   taking a hit for the team ... ... thanks for reporting
fukka60488   28-6-2016 13:40  Acceptance  +1   nice
Adamkahn   11-6-2016 15:24  Acceptance  +1   Sorry to hear bro. I encountered a similar experience!
ramont   29-4-2016 01:02  Karma  +4   I saw those tits and considered her a few times. Glad I passed.
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Post at 11-6-2016 02:37  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 Frappe's post

Thanks for the report and sorry about the bad experience.  It happens to all of us every once in a while.  Part of the hobby

I've always been curious about Vincent House but now I guess there's no reason to go.  

In Jordan, you're better off with Foremost building or 66 Parkes even.

Recent Ratings
Adamkahn   11-6-2016 15:24  Acceptance  +1   Sorry to hear bro. I encountered a similar experience!
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Post at 17-6-2016 18:13  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 Frappe's post

Oh sorry to hear that brother. But thanks for the warning!! Save money!!

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