Originally posted by Karl111 at 10-2-2016 21:54
I've only used 141 walkups, and overall the quality is pretty low--older women, likely overweight or unattractive. Because of this, I'm interested in booking a hotel girl, since I hear they are (and t ...
@Karl If you're really concerned about coercion, you'll have to rethink punting. There are genuine independent escorts out there. You can find them on BP and CL. As bro Abalone said, most of the girls here who do tours as HGs sign up voluntarily but they have to complete a set period of time or a fixed $$ amount. The WGs in some buildings are running their own business essentially, and they pay rent and a fee for the room. If you are concerned about who the rent and fee go to you may not want to visit them, but they are at least running the business on their own terms, which appears to fit your ethical concerns. These would be in many of the walk ups in SW, for example.