Subject: Wtf has happened to HK WG scene!
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Post at 12-8-2012 05:09  Profile P.M. 
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was tonight in N2 and makati. N2 had bedder choice than yesterday. Also i was earlier this time (arround midnight). I found a nice phil girl and bought her some drinks. one even to her friend. but end of the story was: she told me she does not go to hotel room with guys. WTF?

Pissed by that i went to makati. Many Indos there and some phils and much of this where cute. Got into a talk with one at the bar. Spend her like 4 or 5 drinks. Ok she made clear early, that she is not going to hotel. I accepted and enjoyed the talk - dance- talk-dance...etc. So far so good. In the end we danced with to friends of her. But she left backdoor late night with having her friends distracting me. No idea what i have done wrong. Neither i were rude nor drunken or pushing. why she simply says goodbye or even "Fuck you. go away i dont want to see you anymore"? I can live with that. But such ... this is kind of misbehaviour. Is that any cultural thing with them, to act like this?

Currently im fedup with phils. Spend 800HKD for nothing.
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Post at 12-8-2012 12:41  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #21 mickeyblue's post

First I will state the obvious, I have zero punting experience in HK.  However, I have spent a lot of time reading reports that fall on my Newbie level and this thread seems to be very different than the experiences of others on this forum.

I am making my first trip over to HK in December and I hope the majority rules when it comes to the WGs.  I hope this thread is the exception!
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Post at 12-8-2012 13:11  Profile P.M. 
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Maybe august is really the wrong time. I've read somewhere else its now the end of big holiday season and HK is getting to normal buisiness slowly during august. One can just pray it's like this. But since im here only few days i wont make advance out of that.
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Post at 12-8-2012 15:51  Profile P.M. 
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The strength of Hong Kong's mongering scene is its efficiency, safety, openness to foreigners, and near-infinite choice of providers.

The downside is, it is not known for great service.  

There are plenty of girls who do give great service, but you have to find them through trial and error and reading reviews on this forum.  If you find a great provider, it's worth getting her phone, tipping her well and being her repeat client.

There are also places known for service such as 37 Dundas, K-Accupressure and a few walk Mongkok brothels.
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Post at 12-8-2012 16:27  Profile P.M. 
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ya, i've been to D37 2 years ago yet. but actually im not so much into the chin chicks. When you dont speak the language it almost never warm up. Thats why i prefer the thi/phil girls in wan chai. But i'd rather find out some 141 girls with english speaking. Maybe this makes a better experience.
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Post at 12-8-2012 17:52  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #20 JJJ37's post

its not overnight though i was here in,08 09 10 and a stealth visit in 11 first and second time was great third less so fourth a lot of reliable ones had completely retired then this trip there are almost
none of the reliable ones which means randoms which invites lousy experiences tbh

Life is short very...
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Post at 13-8-2012 01:18  Profile P.M. 
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A friend in HK says the mainland communist government is beginning to change things in HK such as what is taught in the schools, local HK politics, etc. And there have been protests. Wonder how all this will change HK and if the mongering scene will eventually change.
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Post at 13-8-2012 09:14  Profile P.M. 
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I just read thru this thread.. and what???

WanChai hasnt changed much...  same-same.

I have had hot streaks and shite-streaks.  There is no "code of servcie" that freelancers must follow so it is truly a hit-or-miss environment.  I think I have become good, perhaps better than most even (given my time invested), at spotting the gems..., but the scene hasnt really changed at all.

Yes, there are gals that are only there for drink commissions.  I have been fooled myself only to be let down horribly after partying all nite with her only to have her say "I never go to with guys".  Fuck!!  On Sundays this is expected (they are all maids; some will, and some wont) but during the week you assume every gal there will Play-for-Pay.

But it happens.  

I am a very experienced WanChai mongerer and some nites I just cant attract anything that pushes my buttons.  It happens.  Zip up your pants and move on.  Other nites (most nites) I stumble onto a gal that blows my mind before I was actually ready to settle...  I wanted to browse more..., but I know (too well) that she'll be snagged by another Bro if I dally too long.  So it happpens the other way too...

Just get back on the horse and try again...
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Post at 13-8-2012 12:03  Profile P.M. 
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was thinking a HK/Macau combo i'm not sure about HK...
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Post at 13-8-2012 13:10  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by JJJ37 at 13-8-2012 01:18 AM
A friend in HK says the mainland communist government is beginning to change things in HK such as what is taught in the schools, local HK politics, etc. And there have been protests. Wonder how all this will change HK and if the mongering scene will eventually change.

Have you mongered in Shenzhen?  It's far crazier there than in Hong Kong.  So if there's mongering change in Hong Kong due to increasing mainland influence, it will be in the monger's favor.
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Post at 14-8-2012 06:37  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #28 wander's post

Wanchai changed, i'm not living in HK but in the place every 2 month since 8 years and many things changed. Also when i speak with local friends they have same feeling : was better before !

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