Subject: HK version of Milton (from Office Space)
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Post at 29-6-2012 05:39  Profile P.M. 
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HK version of Milton (from Office Space)

So this scenario I came across about 6 months ago.  I just finished a session at Fuji in CWB and was having a smoke outside.  Down the stairs comes a pretty hot WG with the HK verion of the character Milton from the movie "Office Space". (i'm sure he's not the only one in HK)  He really looked and kinda acted like him.  He is desperately trying to find liquor...comes across the street to the 7/11 where i'm doesn't find what he wants, then is told to go to the liquor store three doors down from Fuji.  All the while it's very awkward, he's trying act like she's a GF, hold her hand or arm around the waist.  Eventually he get the liquor and they get in a cab and take off...

Do you guys think this is a 'regular' she's going to have an overnight with, do girls at Fuji regularly do overnights offsite?

I have to say...pple watching in HK is amusing.

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