Subject: No Picture in DB. Go or No?
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Post at 8-2-2012 15:25  Profile P.M. 
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No Picture in DB. Go or No?

I've seen a few girls in the DB that don't have any pictures at all. They're priced pretty high as well at above 1.8k.

My question now is: Are these girls worth the punt?

Them not having pictures do give me ideas such as them being really pretty or popular that they can't share their faces here. Or it could be that they're really ugly and using this ruse to bait us mongers.

What do you guys think? Anyone experienced these punts?
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Post at 8-2-2012 15:34  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 crossbone's post

these are the so-called high priced local girls or models.

are they real models? not in the catwalk sense.

beauty wise, there can be beauties in any price range, and some HGs look better than the high priced models.

performance wise, again, some HGs or walk ups may be able to give the same or better services.

advantage of them is that due to their higher price, they do not see as many customers as HGs or walk ups.

maybe you wanna take one up and let us know how it goes...

here's another member's experience:
sirtiger (the banana)
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Post at 8-2-2012 23:00  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 crossbone's post

also remember pretty is a relative term.   To local china mainlanders, one could be model level while someone from XY country may have a different opinion of pretty.  So don't narrowly go by higher the price the better it is.
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Post at 9-2-2012 01:39  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 crossbone's post

In the U.S. I've had exceptionally good experiences with girls that were too "non-pro" to advertise widely: girls that were doing it for the erotic fling so to speak and wanted to stay UTR (Under The Radar).  It's experiences like that that tempt me to try the "no-photo-high-priced-exclusive" girl, and subliminally we all think that  high price=better experience.  Sometimes that is true, but the scam artists also know of this human weakness and exploit it.  Think about it; a manager can scam customers all day long and if he gets just one shy pussy-whipped dude to pay for his wares at triple the normal rate, the manager and girl will still be making out.

I didn't do it.  Really I didn't.
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Post at 9-2-2012 08:54  Profile P.M. 
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With the choices available in HK, I say why risk it. However you could strike gold if you dare to take the leap when no one else does with your own personal WG
devilgodspeed (DGS)
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Post at 9-2-2012 09:13  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 crossbone's post

The risk is yours to take but in my personal opinion, i wont risk getting a WG/Models priced that high without any knowledge of how she looks like.
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Post at 9-2-2012 10:24  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by crossbone at 8-2-2012 15:25
I've seen a few girls in the DB that don't have any pictures at all. They're priced pretty high as well at above 1.8k.
My question now is: Are these girls worth the punt?  ...

There have been a few reports here by guys who wanted to find out (and had the budget)

I've not seen a single one that said "wow, it was worth it" ... quite the reverse actually, the ones I've read are critical.  
Which, given that the vast majority of reports here are complimentary, is probably a good guide to figure how you would feel if you picked one.  

Whether it's the looks that don't fit the fantasy, or the service is lazy and uninspiring, or just the price is much more than the same from a HG who put her pics up, you're putting a huge amount of trust in what?  A price tag??  C'mon nobody does that do they???  

Up to you

Follow the Forum Rules: you asked, so if you do try one, write a short report!

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Post at 9-2-2012 15:18  Profile P.M. 
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I think its a scam, though half these photos are fake anyway, so you can take the riskif you want
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Post at 9-2-2012 15:35  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #8 anarkyz's post

I think you are a little too quick off the mark in relation to half the phot's being fake.  I agree that there is a fair amount of photoshopping happening in all the pics, but I would strongly disagree that half of the photos are fake.  I think you need to choose your words more wisely.

In relation to TheButler, I agree, we are conditioned to believe expensive equals quality.  Whilst this is true most of the time, I figure when it comes down to a WG it is the chemistry that counts.  And that my friend can't be purchased.

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Post at 9-2-2012 19:20  Profile P.M. 
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Yeah, I'd agree, most photos are photoshopped, but there's limits as to how far they can take it, so it gives you a good benchmark. Add onto that, the bro's reports here, and their photos, and you get a much better idea of how they'll actually look.

Realistically, if they don't have a photo on the DB, your next bet is to find a review on these forums, so you can judge based on other people's experiences. If there's no review, well, like people say, basing a decision on a price tag along is like buying a BMW when all you wanted was some rollerblades.
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Post at 15-2-2012 04:20  Profile P.M. 
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Thanks for the input bros. I probably won't be trying them.
heck! There's now a couple on the DB for 15k. No way I'm going to risk that much.
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Post at 15-2-2012 05:11  Profile P.M. 
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If you don't like what you see, you can always just leave.... even the $15k ones...

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