Subject: Dragon Drilling
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Post at 29-1-2012 17:21  Profile P.M. 
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Dragon Drilling

Ok Ok.  Its the CNY and I'm turning over a new leaf.

Rather than rather stop mongering, I have decided to turn to the dark side.  What is this dragon drilling thang and where can I get it.  I want the best and I am not handing over my arse to some half baked amature.  While you are still reading this post, how about the best best practictioner in the dark arts of prostate massage??  
Lustful Lord
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Post at 29-1-2012 22:55  Profile P.M. 
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Are you playing around bro, you want it up to pooper??

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Intenseslacker   30-1-2012 18:37  Karma  +1   Try it. You'll thank us.
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Post at 30-1-2012 06:54  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 camstuckey's post

He wants a prostate message. Whats wrong with that? Done right it leads to a mind blowing orgasm.
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Post at 30-1-2012 11:52  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 JJJ37's post

Abosolutely nothing, whatever floats his boat..
Ive had my arse licked before, awesome. But dildos up there is totally different.
doghead (dog)
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Post at 30-1-2012 12:46  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 camstuckey's post

Does your doctor use a dildo to check your prostate during ur annual physical examination? Not at all, right? So it is the same with getting a prostate massage. The girls just use a single tiny finger to tickle the prostate to get us to have a monster orgasm.
SEAJ (***Call me Sean Sweet Swede***)

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Post at 30-1-2012 12:56  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 buntut's post

Buntut eh? Like in tail? LOL!

OK, let me give you my take on this.

Arse licking/Dragon drilling (or as it used to be known more prosaically " Around the World") IS pleasurabe, but I believe that rather than just the physical stimulation, it is also the mental satsifaction one gets from having a gal licking one's nether regions.

And this is by no means meant to denigrate or humiliate gals or whatever - but its the idea that you have total control of a gal (whether by money, charm or whatever) that she would agree to do something which frankly is so disgusting that takes the pride of fancy.  Think the expressions "lick my ass" or "kiss my ass" and you get the gist of what I'm saying.

So what am I saying? Wellll.... A/R is to me much more pleasurable (NOTE - with NO duress) if the gal would do it with you if she's NOT a known practitioner of "the Art" so to call; somebody who would submit to you even though she would normally NOT do so with others.

And what I'm saying is that you're much better off NOT identifying A/R pros and just turn on the charm etc with generic WG's - for others have the same $$ fee to give to the WG but for her to do this "something special" is the holy grail of A/R!!  LOL

Just sayin' !!


[ Last edited by  SEAJ at 30-1-2012 16:46 ]


Carnal Conqueror
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Post at 30-1-2012 13:49  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 JJJ37's post


Yes I would like to have a mind blowing O. Something to make my knees weak. Any bros have any recommendations?
Kinky King
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Post at 30-1-2012 18:36  Profile P.M. 
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Good prostate massage

Mandy. She is your girl. Search do for her, I made a report earlier. She's not pretty, but she'll give you the best finger in the ass ever.

And to you naysayers, after a god round of her walking on your back and fingering your ass, you will feel like a new man. Club Mandy indeed.
Lustful Lord
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Post at 30-1-2012 21:31  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #5 doghead's post

True, ive had my doc check for problems up there. It didnt feel the slightest bit of fun.
I'd never say never to trying it though.

How much of their finger goes up?
doghead (dog)
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Post at 30-1-2012 23:04  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #9 camstuckey's post

Honestly I don't know how far their finger goes up as I never asked the girl and the rooms I were in never had a mirror positioned in the correct angle to allow me to watch. I guess I don't really want to watch , but just lay there and enjoy. But at least the girls don't ask you to cough.

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CunningLinguist   31-1-2012 00:29  Acceptance  +1   There's one obvious way to check afterwards - LOL!
Lustful Lord
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Post at 31-1-2012 08:46  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #10 doghead's post

hahahah, true i don't think i' want to watch. Just relax.
Totally different, from watching yourself get a b/j from the ceiling mirror.

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