Subject: No Phone Number?
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Post at 26-11-2010 18:22  Profile P.M. 
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No Phone Number?

How do you make an appointment if they have no phone number listed?  Do you really just go to the location without phoning?
Carnal Conqueror
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Post at 26-11-2010 22:50  Profile P.M. 
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i believe so.  you should probably take a look at the faq in the q&a section.  also a good thread is the 141 etiquette.  i have yet to go to a working girl yet but will have to doon or at least mix it up, high are addicting
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Post at 27-11-2010 03:10  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by boobat at 26-11-2010 18:22
How do you make an appointment if they have no phone number listed?  Do you really just go to the location without phoning?

Really, the only WGs that you would need to phone are the Hotel girls and the ones listed as phone appointments. If the address includes the floor and apartment number you would simply arrive at the door and observe the sign on the door which will have either "please wait" or "welcome" displayed. Unless you speak some Cantonese or perhaps Mandarin, there would be little point in phoning, as only a very few of the Walk-Up girls would understand English. With the Hotel girls, the agent answers the phone and usually has enough English to provide you with the location and time.

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