Subject: what is "acceptance"
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Post at 3-8-2010 04:06  Profile P.M. 
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what is "acceptance"

I see on my profile there is something called Acceptance. What is that?

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akka   23-8-2010 23:46  Karma  -5   SPAM
DArtagnan   3-8-2010 09:22  Acceptance  +1   This is Acceptance: I 'Rated' your pos .
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Post at 3-8-2010 04:22  Profile P.M. 
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with 98 posts, the getting started section is way overdue bro

with those neg. acceptance, it probably means you posted a lot useless nonsense.  A sure way to make some members not too happy here imo. ... &extra=page%3D1

[ Last edited by  sirtiger at 2-8-2010 15:24 ]

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JJJ37   13-2-2011 09:21  Acceptance  +1   Banana's r awesome
DArtagnan (unofficial Mayor of the Forum)
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Post at 3-8-2010 09:21  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 dreamerG's post

Acceptance is what you get when someone clicks [Rating] on your post and gives you his feedback ... like I just did above.  You may also get a PM, like you just did!

The fact you have got -13 Acceptance shows that a lot of people have disliked your contribution.  Just their opinion, no more no less.  Take the feedback as what it is: an honest and authentic reaction to your writing.  

[Rating] to give (or take) Acceptance points is the most effective way to express your views, give encouragement to those who entertain you or share useful and valuable information they know, or to discourage disruptive contributors.  

By the way, Karma on the other hand is a bit different: you get 1 Karma point every time you make a posting, and in addition Senior members and Mods are able to award Karma, both + and -, as they see fit.  I see you have 98 posts and only 84 Karma - it's very unusual for a contributor to have less K than posts, since the majority of Senior members give vastly more +K than they do -K.  

Since you're asking this now, after 98 posts and a total (so far) of -13 Acceptance points, it suggests you've been ignoring the feedback you've been given.  

I can only conclude you really need to go back through your contributions and figure out what it is you've been doing that's pissing people off so much.  

No major harm done, you can repair the damage and (in most cases) more than make up the backlog simply by changing your style.  But if you don't change and continue as you have been you'll find you get more and more negative attention.

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akka   3-8-2010 23:18  Karma  -1   Just a demo :P

Hear Ye!  The Mayor has spoken!
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Post at 13-2-2011 09:25  Profile P.M. 
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Seems like a good method to gauge ones level of contibutions on here / quality of their posts.

Recent Ratings
disktroyer   13-2-2011 17:35  Acceptance  -1   test
barg123   13-2-2011 12:00  Acceptance  -1   Nice bump of a spam thread

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