Subject: Dongguan (CP)
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Post at 26-2-2010 06:29  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by xiaodidi at 10-1-2010 08:31

a lot of foreign companys set up factories and HQ in DG because it is a SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE.

so a lot of HK expats moved there for work..... mostly lonely males with big salaries and no wives...  ...

Dongguan county was NEVER consider a SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE. It was only in areas of Shenzhen. About 5 years ago,  if you are a Chinese citizen, you need permission or a pass to enter SZ. Then about 12-15 years ago, there was heavy border check if you want to enter SZ. If you are Chinese citizen caught without permission in SZ, there a possible fine and possible deportation back home.

CP, Humen, Dongguan City and Zhangmutou are in Dongguan county.

Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Shantou, Xiemen were consider economic zones.

See link for more info.

[ Last edited by  Weelock at 26-2-2010 06:49 ]
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Post at 26-2-2010 06:32  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #20 prtrader's post

are you currently in HK or China now or will you be arriving there on the 4th. I'lll probably be ther around that time. If anyone else interested, we can make it a gathering
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Post at 26-2-2010 07:32  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by TheButler at 10-1-2010 05:20

What is it that makes DG such a sex mecca?

The main reason in my opinion was the working girls moved out of Shenzhen.  A lot of places that were gold mines in SZ are now gone or a lot smaller than before. I heard the local govenment didn't like to and told it needed to be tone down.  I have heard the national gov't said the same thing recently about prostitution needs to be tone down.  

Shenzhen was chosen to be a Special Ecnomic Zone for business because it was so close to Hong Kong. You have to remember, China was a communist goverment and there was no capitalism. The SEZ was created to be an experimental ground to practice capitalism.

Hong Kong was very importrant to China at the time. Hong Kong was close to China where the money was, if you look 20 to 30 years ago when China was looking for investors.  Then things started to get expensive in SZ and China opened other areas of China. People started to investing in areas like in Dongguan then money started to flow into DG. Dongguan is near Shenzhen and Hong Kong. Things are a little different now and HK is a less important to China.

If you look at 5 to 10 years ago, I remember to going to places that had 3 times the girls. I think it was because China was a much poorer nation then. In addition, the gov't shutting down places now and saying no to prostitution.

This is just my opinion and you might think it's different.

[ Last edited by  Weelock at 26-2-2010 08:48 ]

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