Subject: Are the Japanese girls worth it?
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Post at 5-3-2011 12:39  Profile P.M. 
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MyFavorite Saying ....

My very favorite saying by a working gal in a spa or one who does an outcall to myHotel
is "You feel OK honey" or the shorter version "You OK honey?"

Somehow I always think they have a Phd or MBA from Stanford University or UCLA and the
fake language skills just make me laugh ... in this bad job market a gal with an advanced degree
can still make 6 figures -- she just might not make the money using her advanced degree.

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Post at 29-2-2012 09:41  Profile P.M. 
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I  had a Japanese/Korean name Maria last summer in TST hong kong ...1600...base on just appearance shes a solid 9/10...spoke english...pretty nice i guess..u get your usual routen..of a shower srub down wit bj...then basically onto the bed...all i gotta say is packaging is nice..but whats inside is not up to par...honestly any girl i get at macau..for 400 would have been better....the girl...for 1600 didnt even let me take a pic!!!...

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