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Post at 16-6-2010 14:23  Profile P.M. 
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Can WG fake a "shudder" too?

I know WG fake orgasms as a matter of routine but I have a question about the "shudders" I have experienced with some of the WGs. Their body contracts and leg kick after a good pounding.

Is it just a variation of the fake orgasm or is something else going on? Any brothers with similar experience?
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Post at 16-6-2010 14:50  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 southstar's post

I'm sure WG would fake this. I mean... they fake moans, fake talk, fake sex, why not shudder
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Post at 16-6-2010 21:48  Profile P.M. 
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Well, whilst I'm sure they can fake a shudder, maybe they are enjoying the action and genueinely had an orgasm. Either way, if she's gone thru with the effort of faking (or not), then reward her richly with a tip

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Post at 17-6-2010 01:06  Profile P.M. 
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trust me wg can fake anything that has to do with sex.
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Post at 17-6-2010 03:03  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 southstar's post

Still I think most would not go to those lengths to fake an orgasm. The shudder is I think for the most part a real reaction to stimuli, but not always an orgasm. If you watch the miss universe sex tape posted in AV sharing, you can see Hiroko Mima shuddering as Wyatt Gallery rams his dick up her arse, but I don't necessarily think she was having an orgasm at that moment.
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Post at 17-6-2010 22:43  Profile P.M. 
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Its another added on skill to differentiate yourself
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Post at 17-6-2010 22:50  Profile P.M. 
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WG's will do whatever they can to make you cum ASAP or to make you feel good in the hope of a better tip.  

Don't fall for any of their silly games. Otherwise, she'll just have a good laugh as she tells her friends what a fuckin loser you are.  

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Post at 17-6-2010 23:00  Profile P.M. 
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The only WGs that can possibly have an orgasm are newbies (usually 1 out of 6 from my experience) if done right. They haven't even learnt the basics of a BJ or moaning and are extra sensitive in the breast, genital and neck araa. Think for HGs in HK who gets banged 10 times a day having an orgasm with a punter is quite unlikely.
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Post at 18-6-2010 09:37  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #8 geoduck's post

took the words right out of my mouth... its like getting my dick sucked 10 times a day... won't feel a thing after my 3rd time prolly.
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Post at 18-6-2010 10:47  Profile P.M. 
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Hey, since you're paying for a nice dream why consider thing or people you saw/touches real?
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Post at 18-6-2010 10:59  Profile P.M. 
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fake or real who cares! paying for the experience and they give the shudders and kick, i'm all over it!

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