Subject: BTP is back
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Post at 27-2-2010 15:42  Profile P.M. 
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BTP is back

Hallelujah BTP is back. Just noticed Angel and Ada are back on the DB. Can More be far behind?

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Post at 1-3-2010 07:28  Profile P.M. 
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I agree she looks hot.  Is she a mix person, or pure chinese?  Is there a link or something?  What's her rates?
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Post at 1-3-2010 12:42  Profile P.M. 
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I think I just saw JB ads back up too!

Swear, Action, Salem and Show to name a few!
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Post at 1-3-2010 12:58  Profile P.M. 
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"FAN FUCKING TASTIC"....Thanks for the info bros....

RICO can actually aquire the services from the "BOND" girls... ( Instead of wanking to bro Goose's pics..)

Any recommendations for a "BOND" girl on the database bros.... ( AS you can tell from my online time it is pretty limited...Fagging work..)

A to C cup titties and a tight pussy please.... ( RICO is after a two hour service from two different lassies..)..Suggestions will be most appreciated.....

RICO has done a walkup already but photos were not allowed...( I just don't know how bro Nova does it..)..Instead RICO took pics of the stairway and door...

With a "BOND" girl ...I reckon even RICO can get a photo....
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Post at 30-3-2010 22:53  Profile P.M. 
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Very very good.  And looks real with little red dot on her chin too.  Ha ha.  How about rest in body?
Master Mongerer
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Post at 30-3-2010 23:10  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by ebonyhand at 30-3-2010 22:53
Very very good.  And looks real with little red dot on her chin too.  Ha ha.  How about rest in body?

I suggest you use the 'search' function. There have been many reports on More with many real pics, but she jus left town a couple of days ago so you're too late to check her out in person.

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