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Post at 19-5-2010 08:31  Profile P.M. 
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Woman dies of toilet brush in buttock

•        Drunk woman falls on toilet brush in 2005
        •        Only discovered in 2007; she dies in 2009
A YOUNG mother died after a doctors failed to spot a 15cm-long toilet brush handle embedded in her buttock, a judicial investigation into her death was told overnight.
Cindy Corton, 35, was left with the bizarre injury after a drunken fall in a friend's bathroom in 2005 but medics missed it - even after taking X-rays, The Sun reported.
It was two years before Mrs Corton, who was in constant pain, was able to convince doctors that the thin 15cm-long serrated plastic handle was stuck in the flesh of her bottom.
By then what should have been a routine procedure to remove it had become much more dangerous because the handle had become embedded in her pelvis.
After two unsuccessful operations in 2007 the mother-of-one was in such agony that she agreed to undergo further surgery in June last year Mrs Corton spent more than 10 hours in surgery at Queens Medical Centre in Nottingham, central England, but died from massive blood loss.
Doctors who first saw her at Lincoln County Hospital and Grantham hospital, both in central England, were slammed for "serious errors".
Recording a narrative verdict, West Lincolnshire coroner Stuart Fisher, said: "It was a significant foreign object. It is difficult to image anything more significant."
Mrs Corton's husband, Peter, 61, is taking legal action against United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust.
He said after today's hearing: "OK she was drunk but they didn't take her seriously. She showed them the wound but they didn't do a proper examination.
"I think it was probably down to the hospitals trying to save money and doing things as cheaply as possible."

By Andrew Parker of The Sun in London
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Post at 19-5-2010 08:37  Profile P.M. 
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How does something like that even happen? It just vanished into the flesh? seriously?
Throbbing Titan
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Post at 19-5-2010 08:44  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 amphibean's post

Probably didn't show up on the x-ray because it was made of plastic.

I dropped a large metal casting on my thumb once, half the nail was sliced off and embedded into the fleshy part of the thumb. I was taken to hospital the doctor bandaged it up and sent me home without noticing. I ended up removing the nail a few days later when I removed the bandage. Not quite on the same scale, but hospital doctors are overworked, underpaid and probably fresh out of med school. A lot of stuff goes on that never makes it into the paper, if this woman hadn't died, probably no one would have heard anything about it.
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Post at 19-5-2010 08:48  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 atomic3d's post

I can kind of see the nail thing (and damn that sounds like it hurts), but a 15 cm toilet brush handle? I mean these kind of things aren't exactly small... you'd think they could feel it through the flesh.
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Post at 19-5-2010 08:57  Profile P.M. 
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"Something can happen will happen" - That's my attitude towards all the bizzare things in the world.
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Post at 19-5-2010 10:13  Profile P.M. 
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this reminds me of something i read about or saw in the movie that involved a nail being stuck in someones head. shit i just cant remember what it was exactly, sitting here trying to remember so bad lol. dont you hate it when something is on the tip of your tongue but you just cant quite remember. hopefully i remember

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