Subject: Goods spas?
Carnal Conqueror
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Post at 19-4-2024 02:26  Profile P.M. 
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Goods spas?

Sup guys, I’ve been tryna find some good spas to go to so I can review it and post here ( well also to enjoy myself but ;) ) there seems to be so many posts on different spa that I can’t decide which ones good and will be worth it. I usually only go to walk ups and lately have been thinking about trying Hotel walk ins but some reviews get me so excited that I wanna try some spa places. Can someone recommend me a good to spa to go to for the first time? I’ve really been wanting to go but the risk of paying quite a bit and getting scammed just kinda scares me because I saw some posts on people paying like 2k but they get scammed. So I thought I’d ask for some help from the fellow people first. Help would be appreciated thanks in advance. Happy mongering.

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Susanlixxx   19-4-2024 02:56  Acceptance  +4   Are you HK based?
Kinky King
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Post at 19-4-2024 09:54  Profile P.M. 
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You really just have to go through the reviews and see what you like, every guy has different tastes and different expectations. If there's a favourable review on here then it's over 90% not a scam.

Any reviews within the past few months is ok. Go with the spas that are mentioned quite frequently. Sometimes the spa will try to pass on a less popular girl to you, so if you want a better experience try one that has at least one or two reviews on here.

If you're brand new to this, it's inevitable that you will run into a few duds, but that's just part of this 'hobby'

Recent Ratings
Susanlixxx   19-4-2024 20:40  Acceptance  +20   
Boredbored   19-4-2024 12:38  Acceptance  +1   Thanks for the tips, appreciate it.

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