Subject: Forum formating fucked up
Fucking Legend
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Post at 2-4-2024 17:35  Profile P.M. 
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Forum formating fucked up

Is any one else having trouble with the forum looking like a mess?
Is correct or am I being lead somewhere incorrectly?

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Susanlixxx   3-4-2024 20:43  Acceptance  +8   Works for me now Ramont, you still see the issue?
HK_Legend   2-4-2024 18:17  Acceptance  +10   Correct. They changed (again) the domain names for the forumS and database website. Even old URL redirected.
Fucking Legend
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Post at 3-4-2024 10:23  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 ramont's post

Ok, got it working correctly now

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HK_Legend   3-4-2024 13:42  Acceptance  +10   Yes, for a while colors, emoticons were gone...The Chinese Forum pushed the concept of "upgrade" to a new level. LOL.
Kinky King
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Post at 16-4-2024 08:14  Profile P.M. 
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Any chance of getting the mobile version fixed?

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drunkmunky   16-4-2024 22:41  Acceptance  +2   Can you let me know which portion of the site is in-situ or broken? Its been fine for many others including myself but i ...

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