Subject: HJ Saunas
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Post at 15-5-2014 16:34  Profile P.M. 
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HJ Saunas

Hello, I'll be in HK next month and I've tried browsing thru the forums already.
I would just like to get your suggestions guys on which ones are recommendable?
I'm just looking for an HJ (and possibly a CBJ/BBBJ). But I'm content with HJ only.
It seems that most saunas listed are FS Saunas. I've seen two HJ Saunas (Serenity and Reiki) but I'm curious if there are others and much better ones.

Appreciate your comments/feedbacks!
Erotic Emperor
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Post at 15-5-2014 18:34  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 dgr8137's post

Dgr technically the saunas (by which I mean the establishments within the veggie massage and spa section) offer no sexual services. So the fee that is listed on the page is paid to the establishment for a massage or spa service. The girls however of course Will offer a service. HJ's are par for the course and you Will typically pay the girl (or in some cases add it into the establishment fee) a "tip" of HK $200. Sometimes you may be more generous say if the girl took off her top and let you feel your way around whilst getting a rub and a tug. She may have even come full Monty for a body massage and therefore you paid even slightly more.

References to cbj and bbbj or even more should not be assumed as par. The girls can offer what they want but it would be down to the chemistry you strike and her desire for a bigger tip. The exception to the rule are the phone appointment spas which start at $600+ and have a striking babe on their pics e.g. daily spa etc. Assume there that the whole nine yards is the starting premise and that the fee runs into$1,600 area.

Serenity, Jade etc are the common ones mentioned on the forum, but you can also try others.  By and large it's all a rub and a tug. Personally I like Yu Chuen Fong in tsim sha tsui as I know a few girls there who service well the decision as to how far I come with them also resides with me. Nine yards or par.

Final comment, wherever you end up going, hope you enjoy and report back on the forum.

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dgr8137   15-5-2014 19:28  Acceptance  +1   Excellent
Mister   15-5-2014 19:09  Acceptance  +4   Nice overview. What's the average age at YCF?
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Post at 15-5-2014 21:58  Profile P.M. 
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If you want an actual sauna vs a massage spa with HE then note that the spa's listed on the DB are just just a room with a bed for massage and usually a shower included in room.

An actual sauna will have the hot tubs/sauna in shower room with a lounge area to relax and the massage rooms elsewhere.  The sauna's will offer food/drinks in lounge and usually cost a bit more(or a lot depending on quality of facility/location).

There are many sauna's that are FS but can opt for HJ only for a reduced fee.

In TST can try TST Sauna or Sunny Isle.  Have been to both but it's been a couple of years.

Have not tried any sauna's on HK Island.


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dgr8137   18-5-2014 19:55  Acceptance  +1   

It ain't going to lick itself!!
Erotic Emperor
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Post at 16-5-2014 07:30  Profile P.M. 
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response to Mister

Mister YCF is largely milf. I would say late twenties to mid thirties. My favorite there at the moment is giu going, 5'5" athletic mild with a natural tan and smooth skin. A hit before was yo yo (nice tall girl with great tits) who wouldgo quite far even for a YCF first timer. Call ahead and ask the mamasan Wai Wai to call and book the girls a day in advance or for a time later in the day.

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Mister   16-5-2014 18:50  Acceptance  +4   Thanks, dryice. Yo Yo still around?
Erotic Emperor
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Post at 17-5-2014 10:28  Profile P.M. 
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Haven't seen her for a while but ask wai wai
.she may be able to get her to come out.

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Mister   17-5-2014 21:31  Acceptance  +4   Thanks
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Post at 18-5-2014 19:55  Profile P.M. 
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I wonder if you guys also know someone who's good at English? As my Chinese is really minimal. Would really like to communicate to my therapist.

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