Subject: Possible to search by cup size?
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Post at 10-10-2012 10:21  Profile P.M. 
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Possible to search by cup size?

I know under the advanced search we can search for the bust size, but this isn't so effective, as most of us are more concerned with cup sizes; ie: C,D,E, and beyond.  Is it possible to search this way, instead of just greater than 36.5?
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Post at 14-10-2012 18:29  Profile P.M. 
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hahaha, that would be great but unfortunately i think it would involve a lot of work and data entry to be undertaken to get that going. but i would support your cause. how about a LS tightness search?? LOL, j/k
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Post at 15-10-2012 09:07  Profile P.M. 
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Cup size has to be taken with a grain of salt in any event. I typically employ a 2 cup discount to the indicated quantum, as the magic of push-up bras and photo shopping can change a girl's profile . The only way to tell is to get your hands on them.

Keep on mongering

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Post at 15-10-2012 11:06  Profile P.M. 
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i agree with Gwailao, but to use the circumference of the ribcage for reference to the size of the tits is like using a waistline to determine how big your dick is.  Ok...not that extreme but i think you guys get the point.

we've all seen women with really broad shoulders and round ribcage , say 38" but flat as a pancake.  No tits at all.

I suggest changing it to cup size as well.
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Post at 18-10-2012 12:43  Profile P.M. 
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I know there are other sites where this can be searched for, even other details including weight.  Personally I think cup size, as well as weight, are much more important factors than things like height/waistline.  However this could mean a different way of data entry/collection, might end up being a lot of work.

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