Subject: Question about 141 walk up
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Post at 10-8-2012 11:41  Profile P.M. 
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Question about 141 walk up

I've used the search feature and I can't find what I need.

Q1) What's with 'Jordan'. Is it a district, area, street or building? How come the girls don't just list the address like the rest? Does it mean that I have to call ahead before they'll let me know where to go for the walk up?

Q2) Is there less photoshoping done for the WGs compared to the HGs? Considering that WGs seem 'less enhanced'.

Many thanks.
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Post at 10-8-2012 12:11  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 tuffy's post

jordan is a district and one of the stops on the MTR

If you are looking on the DB, jordan has many walk up girls with their addresses stated, there are also many phone appointments where by its name, one needs to call and make appointments

HGs are one part of WGs so don't understand what you mean when your talking about enhancements
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Post at 10-8-2012 12:49  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 tuffy's post

I would say that all DB photos are photoshopped.
That's just the nature of it.

If by WG, you mean walkup, even with their faces blurred, boobs can be enhanced and bodies slimmed etc...
Anything to make them look more attractive (although I sometimes think they don't necessarily turn out better).
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Post at 10-8-2012 13:24  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 tuffy's post

Like twiceAweek said, Jordan is district.

Photoshopping just depends from a WG to WG. In the 141 database, all the photos are photoshopped. Not only here, but all over the internet.

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