Subject: Wan Chai Curtain Bar - Popeyes
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Post at 19-4-2012 09:21  Profile P.M. 
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Wan Chai Curtain Bar - Popeyes

So its is after midnight on thursday 4-5 and after 20 hours of travel, train and check in I'm walking along lockhart, a bit tired but still good to go.

I pass popeyes and the girls and mama latch onto me.  Being to tired to work very hard to pull away or to find a girl I decide to go this easy but expensive route to hooking up and through the curtain we all go. As we pop through the curtain, there are about 8 girls lounging around talking. Business is slow. They all jump up upon seeing their new

One girl catches my eye....Ann. I select her and sit at the bar. Ann joins me with a cute friend who's name I do not recall. We all have drinks (their 2 drinks were like 240 HKD if my memory is correct) and we discuss options.

Ann is really cute and has large breasts. She says she is new to the business. I price out an hour with her at my hotel. She insists we bring the other girl. I am guessing because she is new she wants company. I don't think she had been out to a hotel before. She tries to entice me to bring the other girl by kissing her and sucking on her nipples, telling me how she will lick her pussy at hotel. Yeah baby, good sales techniques.

After 20 hours of travel I only have energy for one so Ann and I leave for hotel. I don't remember what all we did. With all the travel life was starting to seem dream like at this point. I do recall she was a very sweet girl and took hard mish well. Cost 2 k for one hour and drinks.

I poped into popeyes a couple times to see her during my visit but we just had the one punt. To many other solid choices.

[ Last edited by  JJJ37 at 19-4-2012 12:07 ]

Recent Ratings
DArtagnan   19-4-2012 19:04  Karma  +4   Thanks!! 2k sounds like you got off relatively lightly ... strong negotiating

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