Subject: How attractive are you
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Post at 12-11-2011 23:46  Profile P.M. 
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How attractive are you

Just curious. How do you rate yourself and do you thing it has any baring on how girls that you pay for treat you? I'm sure we all probably slightly overestimate our 'hotness'. I know I do. But, having said that, I'm not particularly overweight, I'm not particularly old, I'm clean. I can carry a conversation. Does any of this matter or is it all about the wallet size?

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ramont   13-11-2011 21:13  Acceptance  +1   I'm definitely a HILF
bigswingingdik   13-11-2011 03:32  Karma  +1   inetersting
5-htp   13-11-2011 02:34  Karma  +1   good q
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Post at 13-11-2011 00:20  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 happyfeet's post

Hmmm, tough question.

I think most Bros here will agree that gals rate 'attractiveness" on a very different set of parameters then us guys do.

I've had this chat with a ton of gals.  We, as guys, are entirely able to seperate physical looks from personality or any other set of traits (intelect, drive, security, creativity, etc. etc.).  We can look at a gal-friend of our spouses who we KNOW is a total soul-sucking bitch and still go, "Yeah, she's a bitch, but great tits, I'd fuck her!!!!".  

But gals..... (most of them) are just not like this. Right?

They view a whole package (as they perceive it) and often incorrectly, to be sure....., but they quickly build an entire persona around a guy (of their invention - based on what they see/hear moment to moment) and decide based on this "bigger" picture.  

I think only a small percentage of gals are focused on looks alone.

I have learned I am more "attractive" the longer a gal has known me.  By that I mean she doesnt see me as the next James Bond candidate rightaway, but as we meet more and more she perceives more and more positive traits.  Seems I get more and more attractive the longer we know each other.  

So that said...... I guess I mean:  I dont fucking know!
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Post at 13-11-2011 00:28  Profile P.M. 
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Aye, so I suppose that a gal potentially looking for a 'normal' relationship is likely to be more forgiving if you're not a Daniel Craig/Brad Pitt doppelgänger.  But for the WG, is she going to be praying that every John is a looker or just hoping that they won't be a minger? I'm already confusing myself with my own train of thought now. Too much wine. I'd best be off to bed, I think!
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Post at 13-11-2011 00:51  Profile P.M. 
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IMHO i think they care about these in this order

-Avoiding LE - Any is just bad for business
-Safety - Getting through the punt without being hurt or abused in any way.
-Money - Paid in full or more
-Schedule - Move things along and get punter out the door on time
-Wierdness - Nothing freaky or unusual occurs just BJ, Mish, Doggie, CG etc. No whips, clips, peeing, pooping or pinching
-Cleanliness - Is the punter clean and smells OK
-WHo you are  - Knowing a bit about punter. SOH? shit like that

     If all the above is good she will relax. If she likes you this might = chemisty + moisture and lead to a hot session

-Punter Hotness - If the above are satisfied being butt ugly is OK. She will just dim the light and then you look like James Bond

[ Last edited by  JJJ37 at 13-11-2011 02:07 ]
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Post at 13-11-2011 00:58  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 happyfeet's post

Bro.. I'm fucking HOT! hahahahhaa... no no.. I'm not.. only joking..

But I do agree wtih bro JJJ37... and also, end of the day, it's a job for them.. they don't really care if you're hot or not and even if you look like Brad Pitt they may still give you crappy service or if you happen upon a more prof WG you can look like Frankenstein and still get top notch service.. just another day at the office!
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Post at 13-11-2011 02:36  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 happyfeet's post

im a fckin stud, i rock out with my cock out. brad pitt can go fck himself.

as for the ladies. its merely a transaction. of course, YMMV

c'est le jizz
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Post at 13-11-2011 03:32  Profile P.M. 
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as a general rule i don't think they will do even brad pitt for free.  he might/probably get better service and attitude than a overweight slob that smells tho.

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jd888   13-11-2011 23:21  Acceptance  +2   Yeah, I still have to pay although I do get positive feedback on my looks ;-)
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Post at 13-11-2011 04:15  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 happyfeet's post

I am one ugly mofo, have 2 inch cock, but shit load of cash...usually chicks like that...

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Post at 13-11-2011 07:38  Profile P.M. 
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I would add that a visual presentation of maturity and power seems sexy to many women, probably somewhat more so in Asia where the ability to provide is absolutely part of the romantic equation.  Having that power broker look without looking mean seems to offset all manner of baldness and Dunlop's disease (your belly is so big it 'dun loped' over the front of your pants ).  While some equate the power look with the money look, it is similar but different.

Anyway, if the girls think you are Mr. Moneybags that will make you look attractive to them (although women are well aware of the spoiled rich guy and his shortcomings), but if you come first with a look of strength, maturity and command they will swoon at your feet.

Not that this ever happens to me of course . . .

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Post at 13-11-2011 07:53  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by happyfeet at 12-11-2011 23:46
... How do you rate yourself
do you thing it has any baring on how girls that you pay for treat you?  ...

Interesting question

you see, I RATE myself as becoming less attractive as my hair goes grey, falls out, and I get lines on my face.  What I see in the mirror is certainly not attractive to me.  

but to my surprise I'm getting MORE attention from civvies ... in spite of going around talking about my lack of availability and commitment to SO, and not having cash to flash on bling ... So while I'm not going to rate my own attractiveness, after all one girl will say "yum" while another says "yuck", I can positively say my attractiveness has increased.  

Does it affect service?  Yes, in some cases definitely yes.  
But not in all.
There are still some cynical hardboiled girls out there who are unmoved even by my looks.  

Even in business, chemistry does matter,

and as we know, a girl who's enjoying her work will be much more engaged in it than one who isn't!

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TheButler   14-11-2011 08:08  Karma  +1   Yeah but you still gotta trim that gut bro!
asia-play   13-11-2011 15:23  Acceptance  +2   Reverse happy feet mistake
kaka   13-11-2011 14:29  Acceptance  +2   Reverse for happyfeet
happyfeet   13-11-2011 11:48  Acceptance  -1   Favorable

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Post at 13-11-2011 10:13  Profile P.M. 
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whoever you are, if money talks any girl will come...
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Post at 13-11-2011 10:16  Profile P.M. 
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I am so attractive that the girls panties flies off the second I enter the room...

seriously now, your attractiveness is not really a variable in the equation.  JJJ37's post has everything that matters to the WG.
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Post at 13-11-2011 20:31  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by TheButler at 13-11-2011 07:38
I would add that a visual presentation of maturity and power seems sexy to many women, probably somewhat more so in Asia where the ability to provide is absolutely part of the romantic equation.  Havi ...

Agree. That's one of the reason many HK girls prefer western guys, because "HK guys are so immature".

Local girls say I am cute, handsome and nice, but I don't have that western mature confident gentleman side. So I think WG quite like me because I am young and clean, and don't disgust them, so the job will be "not so hard". They will be very nice to me just like I am to them. Very humbly, I think that's the best a WG can expect, it's still just s transaction for them. They already fuck 10 times per day, it's not like a super attractive guy will sexually attract them, they just need to have an easy moment. As for real sexual transaction, I think most girls need time, and the check the whole body/personality package.
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Post at 14-11-2011 07:06  Profile P.M. 
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The only thing that matters is the size of your...

Bank account!
Like mentioned before they meet like 10 guys per day, one's good looks has very little influence, just ask Hugh Hefner!

But to answer the question, I consider myself fit and average.
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Post at 14-11-2011 08:15  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by 2zzh22k20 at 14-11-2011 07:06
The only thing that matters is the size of your...

Bank account!
Like mentioned before they meet like 10 guys per day, one's good looks has very little influence, just ask Hugh Hefner!

But to answer ...

At one end of the spectrum there are girls who only care about your money.  But at the other end are civvies who would be offended at such a thought and in between are semi-pros and thrill seekers of endless variety.  To those girls just short of the extreme end, how you look makes a difference in if they'll go with you, how much they'll charge (good looks can work for or against you here), and the intensity of their service quality.  In my humble opinion of course.

Girls used to throw themselves at me because of my super cool G-IVSP, but then Wander showed up with the new G-550 and now I'm treated like some kind of leper . . .

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wander   14-11-2011 11:21  Acceptance  +1   Haha. I know their G-spot!

I didn't do it.  Really I didn't.
The Butler
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Post at 14-11-2011 09:14  Profile P.M. 
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Ahahah. Let me tell you a story.
One night was in Jakarta with a friend (non punter and knows my SO) and we went tothe Bats for the music.
We sit, have drinks, get the looks from the girls (some I knew but were nice enough not to come! ).
There is this guy, at the bar, really fat (i mean really....) with a huge pair of glasses on that had been recently cleaned with a slice of ham, bold on top, greasy hair, shorts, sandals with socks in it. Now, if I was to created a disguise, I wouldnt have been that good.
Of course, no girl was looking at him, they were all around the businessmen, the youngster coming from an oil rig or something, but of course, no one looked at him, even though he was dancing next to the bar like theres no tomorrow.
He drinks his shot and then, takes out this huge pile of cash 100k bills and suddenly, love strikes! 1 minute after (not lying..l) 2 wg are around him as close to his lb than tohis wallet...
Looks, they dont care even though they prefer the clean and when possible handsomeguy.
Am clean, very average, with a normal lb but whats most important money in my wallet... So they love me too! ;)

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TheButler   14-11-2011 11:16  Karma  +1   lol, FExP, you've got some funny stories!
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Post at 14-11-2011 09:32  Profile P.M. 
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The weird thing is that I feel more motivated now to get in better shape. And for what? So a massage girl who doesn't really give a shit will get to see my slightly more toned bod.

I guess it doesn't matter what the motivating factor is so long as there is one!.

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TheButler   14-11-2011 11:17  Karma  +1   Exactly HF, sex will be better and there will be more of it.
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Post at 14-11-2011 09:44  Profile P.M. 
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I've been informed that I'm a 7, which is OK I guess

To be honest, I doubt many WGs would give a shit about your looks unless they were very young/inexperienced. As long as you have the money and you're reasonably clean and polite, you'll get the same service as the next guy.
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Post at 14-11-2011 09:45  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by happyfeet at 14-11-2011 09:32
... who doesn't really give a shit ...

bro: she does give a shit, it's definitely worth the effort.  

Talk to some of the girls, they notice our figures, for sure

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wander   14-11-2011 13:23  Karma  +1   Agree. Of COURSE they do!

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Post at 14-11-2011 11:20  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by DArtagnan at 14-11-2011 09:45

bro: she does give a shit, it's definitely worth the effort.  

Talk to some of the girls, they notice our figures, for sure

Which is why D'Artagnan always gets doubles!  Because he's too much for any one woman!!

Seriously though bros, what HappyFeet says has a kernel of truth: if getting in shape to impress a WG seems shallow to you, just ignore that thought.  If Thai hookers are what makes you go to the gym then bow down and thank them!  It will be good for you, you'll live longer and get more (and better) sex in the process!

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yazoo   14-11-2011 13:59  Karma  +1   LOL! Thai hookers are good for you!
happyfeet   14-11-2011 11:42  Acceptance  +1   Word

I didn't do it.  Really I didn't.
The Butler

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