Subject: help with cantonese phrase
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Post at 31-10-2011 20:58  Profile P.M. 
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help with cantonese phrase

hello guys
i hope this is the correct location for my query, if not please accept my apologies in advance.
can a bro please help me with the following words/phrases?
"love bites" or "hickeys" - (i mean where if you suck on the skin it leaves a mark like a bruise)
if someone could provide me with the sentence "she would like the guys to give her love bites or hickeys on her neck and breasts" it will be greatly appreciated.
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Post at 3-11-2011 14:07  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by brahman123 at 31-10-2011 08:58 PM
hello guys
i hope this is the correct location for my query, if not please accept my apologies in advance.
can a bro please help me with the following words/phrases?
"love bites" or "hi ...

It would probably be something like 她喜歡... meaning she likes...since I don't know about hickes or what's the terminology for that, in Chinese...
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Post at 4-11-2011 07:39  Profile P.M. 
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No idea what the real translation is, but I think slang for love bites is "ga lei gai" which means curry chicken. Don't ask me why!
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Post at 4-11-2011 13:11  Profile P.M. 
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Literal translation ~
She wants men to give her kiss marks on her neck and breast

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hunter (Real Slim Slapper-Status: 九叔 .)
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Post at 4-11-2011 14:44  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 brahman123's post

Canto or even mando (Guangdong), we use the same slang "Curry Chicken" as if  "GA LI KAI". (咖 喱 鸡)

In putonghua-china, they use the slang "Grow Strawberry" as if "Zhong Cao Mei " (种 草 莓)

[ Last edited by  hunter at 4-11-2011 14:46 ]

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