as other bros have noted above, EVERYone is different. there is NO "normal." whatever works for you, works. what's made things worse is the constant presence of porn, which creates absurd notions of how "things should be." porn's fine if it turns ppl on, but apparently women look at videotaped pussies, then go for "labiaplasty": a fancy term meaning you pay a cosmetic surgeon a large sum of money to take a scalpel to your amazing vagina, because it doesn't look like Jenna Jameson's or whatever. i don't understand this, and i don't WANT to understand it. not to imagine the irrational size of the penii in the pornodrome nowadays.
i'm fat, i have scars and tattoos, i am wonderfully imperfect and enjoy my sexual encounters thoroughly. MCOT is not everyone else's COT, and vice versa, and that's excellent.
what concerns me is voiced by halfclover: if ejaculation is painful, seriously, go see your doc and TELL HIM. it may not be easy, but do it. trust me on sister is a urological surgeon, she would tell you the exact same thing. it could be something simple, but in any case, seek competent medical advice.
if you're uncircumcised, there is a condition called phimosis that's quite rare, but does occur (i'm uncircumsized, which i got a lot of grief for during schooldays-locker-room idiocy, but am now very thankful for, so learned about this condition). circumsion is become less popular except for religious reasons...but that has nothing to do with you having pain after an orgasm. seriously, have it checked out. having a healthy sexual system is important, depending on where u live, there are FREE clinics that will advise u, as many of us are shy about discussing sexual matters with a doc. seriously though, they've heard/seen it ALL before. you are not a unique case. but please bro, do yourself a favor and get some professional advice. you've already done the hard part: admitting to us (and we DO care) that something may be amiss. many US cities have hotlines/clinics, or if u have a good GP, just go see him/her.
wishing u the best,