Subject: Sexual techniques questions?
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Post at 14-5-2011 01:17  Profile P.M. 
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Sexual techniques questions?

There are many guys on this forum who have a lot of fucking experience.
I have 2 technical questions to ask and I don't know if I can ask these questions somewhere on the forum.
One Q concerns a girl that I see regularly but I find it so hard to orgasm with her, even though I like her a lot. I'd like to explain in more details what we exactly do together and how exhausted I get tried to come with her. It's a complete nightmare.
The other Q concerns my best orgasm ever.  I don't know how to repeat it.  It was totally amazing, but it happened only once with this one girl last year. I can't repeat it. I'd like to figure out how to make this reproducible.
Is there anywhere that I can ask these types of Qs?
We all do a lot of fucking, it might be worth it to figure out how to maximize the pleasure.
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Post at 14-5-2011 01:54  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 deadliner's post

have a girl and you can't orgasm with her and its a night mare?  Find another girl.
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Post at 14-5-2011 02:27  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 deadliner's post

Think you have what is known as  retarded ejaculation, opposite of premature ejaculation!!!

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