Subject: The one that got away or the one you're hoping comes back?
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Post at 11-10-2010 16:09  Profile P.M. 
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The one that got away or the one you're hoping comes back?

If there was one and only one gal who

1) has been on the DB (or still is) that you missed out on making an "appointment" with or
2) are eagerly waiting to see if she ever comes back

who would it be?

This must be someone you have NOT been with but want to.

Please post a real pic or link to a real pic and the reason why.

For me it is without a doubt it is Diana here are some links to reports thanks to Goose thanks to Finn thanks to xiao38

Below is a pic from one of the above links.

I think it is pretty obvious why but i will give my reasons: Cute as hell, great body and jugs, don't care about reports of her service quality.

I was actually here on two separate occasions while she was here but missed out

Hope she makes it back oneday

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Post at 11-10-2010 16:45  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 reggid's post

Thanks for pointing out this gem. She has a super body and since she has not returned in a year she probably has a rich BF by now so let's hope she gets back in to the trade some day.
kaka (YaYa PaPaYa)
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Post at 11-10-2010 17:21  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 reggid's post

i always want to try Dana.

everytime i call, she's fully booked..
even got B&S once...

always no fate to be with her...

i also don't know why i'm attracted to her..
maybe it's her short hair..
maybe it's her perpetual sad look..
maybe it's her 36D titties..
or maybe i just love porcelain-skin MILFs.

credits to lickpussy & stlampiao for the pics.

[ Last edited by  kaka at 11-10-2010 17:22 ]

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Post at 13-10-2010 02:38  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 reggid's post

Yes, there is one girl that falls under "the one that got away" and its been nagging me ever since that I missed my chance!

Name: Angel
Timeframe: Late 2008
Agent: BTP
Reason she got away: At the time I was a newbie and I let BTP push me around and so he B&S me 3 different times

Bro Nova has RA40 on the photos so I'll stick to his restrictions.

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Post at 17-10-2010 16:50  Profile P.M. 
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she is pretty, wow, really want to ml with her

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barney.winkel   17-10-2010 23:18  Acceptance  -2   Please read the PM I sent to you

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