Subject: Something strange about Castro
Kinky King
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Post at 18-10-2010 10:29  Profile P.M. 
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Something strange about Castro

I tried booking for Castro on 2 occasions. The first time, I was told she only works after 3 pm and I had more than one and a half hour to kill. So I ended booking a KG/JG instead.

On the second occasion 2 days later, the papasan said " no hotel" and asked where I was from and which hotel I was staying. I knew that the WG was staying at a hotel in Austin when I tried to book her on the first occasion. Somehow the papasan was not interested to hook me up and I ended with a JG which was a blessing in disguise as it turned out to be one of the best JG/KG I ever had. I gave her a huge tip and she was so shocked and said "thank you very much".

Anyway, any bro can advise why Castro's papasan was not interested? Any suggestions on how I could make the booking on Castro? I got a few days' off this week.
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Post at 20-10-2010 12:46  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 12thmaster's post

I never had a problem with my booking, check out my report:

The only thing I could think of was after my session whilst we were talking, she got a call who she refers to her boss, but spoken to him in Italian, which the agent I spoke to didn't, or at least I assume he doesn't.

Maybe she has another job and is doing WG on the side? or has 2 agents? I do remember not seeing any luggage in her room though...

He should be able to see your number so tell him to call you when he knows she's gonna be free or just keep pestering him.
Kinky King
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Post at 20-10-2010 15:40  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 hkjiggy's post

Did you speak to the papasan in English or in cantonese? I know that Castro is staying at BP but just did not complete the transaction with the room number. I got the feeling that the papasan was worried that I was an undercover from the anti-vice.
Kinky King
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Post at 21-10-2010 02:23  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 12thmaster's post

Cantonese. Actually he kept phoning me up to check that I was on my way. Maybe he had a few bookings that cancelled so was a bit worried.

From my report you can see she wasn't the most enthusiastic. Maybe it's not the papa that was not interested but more the girl.

If at first you don't succeed, try again! GL!
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Post at 27-10-2010 13:10  Profile P.M. 
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What happened to Castro ? Cant find her on in listings anymore....

Are all the better WGs snapped up by millionaires or something ??

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