Subject: Has the Prescription Drug crackdown happened?
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Post at 5-10-2010 21:46  Profile P.M. 
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Has the Prescription Drug crackdown happened?

I saw a thread a week or so ago that was suggesting there may be a crack down on drugs sold over the counter, I out in HK in a weeks time and what I really want to know is can can I still get Cialis/Viagra over the counter easily?  I tend ed to go to the drug store next to K pressure, it had a big Cialis advert over it a month or so back.

Thanks Bros

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Post at 5-10-2010 23:37  Profile P.M. 
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yes it is definitely a lot stricter nowadays.  They may lose their licence with just one conviction for a drug-related offence, instead of the current criteria of two convictions in three years.
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Post at 5-10-2010 23:44  Profile P.M. 
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I don't see what anyone needs to be worried about ... about buying Vs or Cs ...

if you find no pharmacy willing to sell under counter then just go to any GP and
ask him to write you a prescription ... you can use it again and again when you need to buy more !
sirtiger (the banana)
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Post at 6-10-2010 22:20  Profile P.M. 
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whats a GP?  in HK, you can use a perscription over & over?  interesting.....

Is there a over the counter drug epidemic out in HK?  I am surprise to hear this.  There are some issues here but nothing too crazy
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Post at 6-10-2010 23:40  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by sirtiger at 6-10-2010 22:20
whats a GP?  in HK, you can use a perscription over & over?  interesting.....

A GP is a General Practitioner...Doctor of all Maladies...A Specialist of Nothing.

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Post at 7-10-2010 03:30  Profile P.M. 
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Are there any GP's in HK that will write a script for a small exam/ donation?  Sort of like a drive through type of office where you are in and out very quickly.
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Post at 7-10-2010 14:44  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #6 slimshanks's post

I'm doing my head in trying to think of any reason why a doctor might refuse to prescribe ... anyone ever had a refusal??

Guy comes in, says he can't get it up ... doc has to take his word for it ... how's he going to check if it's true?  

His job is to check you for allergies and medical risks, not to decide if you need a boost or not.  And in general Doctors in HK tend to overprescribe, not refuse.  You pay your regular consultation fee.  You spin your (convincingly authentic) yarn.  He should listen, and then prescribe.  And you buy the medication from his dispensary ...

It's a business.

Hear Ye!  The Mayor has spoken!

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