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Post at 26-9-2010 23:33  Profile P.M. 
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Just wondering if anyone has visited...looks clean and the milk bath is tempting ... ;pd=-1&keyword=
Lustful Lord
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Post at 27-9-2010 05:50  Profile P.M. 
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no, tend not to visit these places, but why don't you try and make a report for us bros =)
mxq (Massagee Talent Scout)
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Post at 1-10-2010 20:06  Profile P.M. 
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I have no experience of this place, but it looks to be on the expensive side judging from their ad. I guess you are paying for location - meh. Don't be too surprised if HJ costs you extra, as that is entirely possible.

Why not pop over to TST, plenty of options there for good value

Oh and the milk bath - if she puts those dried rose petals in the bath for 'romance' then when you stand up to get out, fully expect to have soggy remnants of flowers glued to all over your body - I hope you are not a hairy like me - I had to be seriously hosed down to get rid of them. Overall, it's just sitting in a bath. I personally do not recommend, but each to their own.

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Post at 11-10-2010 22:27  Profile P.M. 
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you try it yet?........... been waiting for your report

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