Subject: Editing and deletion
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Post at 3-4-2010 12:40  Profile P.M. 
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Editing and deletion

I have noticed that after a certain amount of time its no longer possible to edit a post or delete it.
Are there any exceptions to this? For example if a particular gal wanted a real pic removed or even a whole report, is this possible at all?
I noticed, for example, that there was a recent post in the reports section where a gal had allowed a real pic, but asked that it not be posted, so the OP posted a pic from the Chinese section. Could the gal in question ask for these not to be posted in the English section, for example?
In my recent report on Michelle, as an example, she mentioned she doesn't want real pics because she has family here in Hong Kong. What if she at some later stage asked for the whole report, including the DB pics to be removed?
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Post at 3-4-2010 13:34  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 Siklong69's post

After the edit post expiry has lapsed you would have to pm the respective section mods to help with your request.
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Post at 3-4-2010 15:11  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by asia-play at 3-4-2010 13:34
After the edit post expiry has lapsed you would have to pm the respective section mods to help with your request.

Thanks! That's good to know.
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Post at 3-4-2010 18:33  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 Siklong69's post

Ask any mod to help you ... but  ...  deleting pictures is one thing but deleting entire reports - one would need a pretty
good excuse to get them deleted

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