Subject: Find girls in HK
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Post at 16-3-2010 23:25  Profile P.M. 
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Find girls in HK

I'll go to HK next month and interest to find girl, but i cannot to speak chinese. How can i find girls?
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Post at 17-3-2010 01:55  Profile P.M. 
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if you;re here.. u're off to a great start..

what i did was.. search an area such as wanchai and looked at the hotel reservation girls (i prefer delivered)...

Most of the different numbers in an area for hotel reservations lead to the same guy...

So what i did was clicked hotel reservation after opening the girls page... That leads u to see what girls the same guys have..

The pimps do speak english... TST one and wanchai a little
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Post at 17-3-2010 02:01  Profile P.M. 
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Post at 17-3-2010 07:38  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by r_theera at 16-3-2010 23:25
I'll go to HK next month and interest to find girl, but i cannot to speak chinese. How can i find girls?

There's more than enough information here on the site. Try doing a search based around what you are loking for and where you are staying. There are also numerous threads with answers to language problems.

Keep on mongering....
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Post at 17-3-2010 08:13  Profile P.M. 
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ur looking for a GF or a Hooker, if u look for a GF go to LKF there are plenty of asian girls there who speaks english. if u look for a hooker go search on this site
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Post at 17-3-2010 09:08  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by r_theera at 16-3-2010 23:25
I'll go to HK next month and interest to find girl, but i cannot to speak chinese. How can i find girls?

Simple enough - find a girl in this DB who has her address (i.e. a walkup not a Hotel or Phone Appointment) - look up the address on google maps, print it out - go there and knock on the door. Smile sweetly and no language ability required.  

If that's too easy for you, go to LKF to any of the busier bars - here's a good list ... mp;page=1#pid212511

Or if you're really ambitious and looking for a GF, try posting on or

Hear Ye!  The Mayor has spoken!
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Post at 17-3-2010 20:05  Profile P.M. 
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Thank you very much for every information

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