Yes, the Meow and Chochet tale is definitely a must-read for any new/exisiting bro's who haven't read it before.
Was rather surprised (and a bit disappointed to be honest) that the second link was to my post about my first trip to DG, hahaha. I guess I was hoping for something a bit more exciting from another bro
Here's one of my all time favorite reports: ... &extra=page%3D4
What makes the above thread great:
- was written shortly after one of my own guides regarding punting options in Shanghai. I didn't really have much info on apartment girls though, but bro slysh took a HUGE one for the team. Great example of 'cause & effect' in the forum!!
- very unique report in that it is hardly (if ever) reported on. added a great source of info in the Mainland section
- the BALLS that slysh must have. I fully expected the first report regarding an apartment girl would be from someone with a Chinese background, simply because this option isn't the most readily accessible for foreigners. From what I understand, slysh isn't any sort of asian ethnicity and has a limited command of mando?
- the first punt was a failure, but rather than abandoning it all together after a bad experience, follows through with another punt.
- the report itself is quality. descriptive, informative, pictures, etc.