Subject: undercover LE busts gals in Wanchai bars
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Post at 31-10-2011 11:32  Profile P.M. 
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undercover LE busts gals in Wanchai bars

One of my regulars just told me her friend was busted in a Wanchai bar for solicitation by an undercover LE.  A gweilo cop.    She got 45 days in prison and will be deported to thailand when she gets out.

I mentioned that I heard about this before -because a few gals asked me about 20 times if I was a cop before they calmed down (in one case they fled cause they thought I WAS a cop.  Haha - guess I do have a "cop" look.

Anyway, what a frickn waste of our tax dollars and of their time!!!  No other crime to pursue in HK?  Such as a crime that actually causes harm to someone???  Assholes.  Targeting hookers in a hooker bar.  What's the frickn harm with them plying their trade in such a setting???

Anyway, I let my other regulars know of this --- just to keep them on alert about it.

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jm322   31-10-2011 18:48  Acceptance  +1   Thats just Hong Kong Police at their best. Pick on the weak is their Motto
paladin310   31-10-2011 12:47  Acceptance  +1   that's just crazy...thanks for sharing.
hk2my   31-10-2011 11:47  Acceptance  +1   O my gosh.....gweilo cop!
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Post at 31-10-2011 11:46  Profile P.M. 
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So Western prudishness is making its way to Hong Kong?  That's sad.  I guess it's an easier gig as a cop, and as a District Attorney or Police Chief makes for good promotional material.

I didn't do it.  Really I didn't.
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Post at 31-10-2011 11:56  Profile Site P.M. 
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Am sure the gwailo cop has his own stash to dig outside of legalities

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wander   31-10-2011 12:09  Acceptance  +1   Umm, what? Lost me...
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Post at 31-10-2011 12:19  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 wander's post

Do you know if she had to do him before she was arrested and if any money changed hands ?
if not, just talking makes it difficult to prove unless he was wired or something ...

just put a tat on your forehead ... "I'm not a cop"   

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Post at 31-10-2011 13:02  Profile P.M. 
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Bloody stupid running stings in wan chai ... That's part of its charm Di to speak, I tooka mate there last year I know he would not take anything but he sure loved the attention.

Can sort of understand if they trying run them out of respectable areas .., but wan chai ... Easy target like speed cameras in the uk.
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Post at 31-10-2011 13:08  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 twiceAweek's post

Well, my info is second hand - not from the gal herself.  But from what I understand they did NOT have sex.  She just "said something wrong" to the LE (this was the wording my regular used in an sms to me).  So, I take this to mean she initated the conversation about money changing hands for sex --- which is solicitation and is illegal.
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Post at 31-10-2011 13:24  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #6 wander's post

To jail someone for 45 days I would hope there would need to be pretty conclusive evidence to convict...

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Post at 31-10-2011 13:30  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #6 wander's post

I wonder if this is a formal bust or if just something that was opportunistic?

I mean - how many "Western" LE's are there left in Hong Kong these days? And those that are still here, I would hardly think they would be deployed to do WG stings/busts. Like you observed, there's a whole lot more better things they can be of use at.

Could it be that this is just a Western LE out on the town (hey Cops do go out drinking too - right?) and either got propositioned "illegally"  OR..... what if he was actually trying to do her, started negotiating but she got pissy or whatever - and he then decided - "Screw this gal - I'lll teach her and bust her"

Whaddya think?


[ Last edited by  SEAJ at 31-10-2011 13:32 ]


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Post at 31-10-2011 14:11  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #8 SEAJ's post

I believe there's more gwailo cops in HK then you & I think !
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Post at 31-10-2011 14:38  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #8 SEAJ's post

ACtually bro.. there are tons of gwailo cops left in HK.. I know this cause I'm friends with a lot of them thru rugby. Funny that they actually deploy them out for these sting operation tho but I guess they felt they needed someone to speak English to bust the Wanchai bar girls?

On the other hand, you could be right about the girl getting pissy then the guy got pissed and arrested her.. wouldn't surprise me.
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Post at 31-10-2011 15:48  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #10 ruggers15's post

Yeah, I know a few of them aswell.  But no..., I am not going to raise the topic with them - they are in my SO's circle of friends as well as mine.

I dont think this was opportunistic as I've heard of it 3 or 4 times now about undercover LE in the bars.  If they were looking for drink-spikers I would say cool ---- but busting hookers??  Christ... beyond silly.
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Post at 31-10-2011 16:42  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by CunningLinguist at 31-10-2011 13:24
To jail someone for 45 days I would hope there would need to be pretty conclusive evidence to convict...

no need for it to be a solicitation charge

working in HK on a visitor visa is already an offense with a custodial sentence

unusual to hear of a 'sting' though ... can't be many freelance WGs in WanChai who have Work Visas!

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wander   31-10-2011 17:19  Acceptance  +1   You're right. Breach of Condition Of Stay. True...

Hear Ye!  The Mayor has spoken!
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Post at 31-10-2011 18:40  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 wander's post

this sort of crap effects supply and increases prices. Ridiculous situation. And I agree with your inference that surely they must have something better to do...

I dont understand HK law in great detail so I hope this can be clarified...

It's not "of itself" illegal in HK. Running organised or public prostitution is illegal. Soliciting in a public place is illegal... I guess this is where the Bar issue comes into play??? However telling someone you meet you would like to spend the night with them is not illegal. I find WGs in bars often wait for the punter to raise the price issue... "how much?" is that not entrapment?

Most annoying!

Bar Punting in HKG?
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Post at 31-10-2011 20:15  Profile P.M. 
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Maybe this isn't about the prostitution itself, maybe it is about working on an invalid visa....

What ever the reason, the first question that comes to mind is, don't the LE have anything better to do than do a sting operation on a WG..

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wander   31-10-2011 21:12  Acceptance  +1   Exactly. Go after some bad guys - not sweet service-providers.
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Post at 2-11-2011 04:55  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 wander's post

RICO is also an undercover gwalio cop disguised as a chinaman....

Any stories about undercover women cops...
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Post at 2-11-2011 18:51  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Rico at 2-11-2011 04:55
RICO is also an undercover gwalio cop disguised as a chinaman....

Any stories about undercover women cops...

is it illegal to ask a WG?

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wander   2-11-2011 21:07  Acceptance  +1   No. The punter is fine. Asking is fine too (as I understand HK law anyway)
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Post at 3-11-2011 01:12  Profile Blog P.M. 
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i too know a few gweilo cops. but none of them would go to Wanchai to bust some WG. i'm generalizing from a small sample, but i can't imagine any of the ones i've met wd consider that a proper use of LE resources. they seem to have a laissez-faire attitude towards victimless crimes.

but u never know--maybe there's a quota that needed to be filled. maybe the LE had just been through a messy divorce, unfortunate romance or otherwise had a grudge. i'm totally guessing here: i don't hang out in Wanchai bars, dunno the details...but i think it's absurd to lock some gal up for 45 days for suggesting, OMG, that certain personal and consensual services be rendered for an agreed upon fee.

as for the legal questions u raised, TT, 141-activity is a bit of a gray area here. it's legal for permanent residents to rent a flat and provide services, and of course advertise. just about anything else on the organizational side is not too specifically legal. i also can't imagine HK Immig issuing a working visa for this type of service either. but by and large HK tolerates The Hobby as long as it's relatively discreet. HK remains a safe city and while there are scheduling mishaps and various SNAFUs, things aren't a problem.

before Langham Place in Mongkok was built, HK LE would conduct raids on the purple/yellow-box-places in that area. once they went thru and confiscated all the signs, declaring them illegal. they were immediately replaced with colorful neon-tube arrays in the shape of an arrow, pointing at a doorway. they were a lovely sight, especially at dusk...these mysterious neon-arrays along the city streets. this was before i owned a digicam but i wish i had some images of those streets, in the twilight, with the "hey buddy THIS way!" neon-tube art installations. even if u weren't mongering but were just in the area, it was a wonderful look...much more interesting than the sterile commercial environs of L-Place.


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yazoo   4-11-2011 12:14  Acceptance  +1   Didn't they just build a new women's jail they have to fill?
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Post at 6-11-2011 10:53  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #6 wander's post

Sorry to hear that bro.

My bro in law is a cop in the UK -  the gwailo practically has to get them to basically say what they are accepting money for then arrests them.

A waste of time I know.

Could it have anything to do with a lot of these stories of girls robbing punters in their rooms...?

Just a thought...

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Post at 6-11-2011 11:18  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #18 Petay_1283's post

Either that....or eliminating the competition.  
(tongue firmly in cheek of course!!) ... 4782&highlight=


[ Last edited by  SEAJ at 6-11-2011 15:04 ]



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