Subject: Are walk-ups much older?
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Post at 8-6-2011 23:39  Profile P.M. 
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Are walk-ups much older?

Is it me or are walk-up girls generally much older (30+ at least) and often only 50% of their pictures they post. It's been pretty consistent for me and they are usually much older, tubbier, and much less attractive than I anticipated. Guess I've been expecting too much from walk-ups?
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Post at 9-6-2011 02:04  Profile P.M. 
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The reports in the walk up section help with this a lot.  Take another bro's advice he can help with the guessing the age and appearance.  The DB is full of photoshopped girls so pics often don't match reality.

Also please provide some input on previous girls you have visited, that helps make everyone more aware and how the community builds.

[ Last edited by  mchk at 9-6-2011 02:06 ]
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Post at 9-6-2011 07:19  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 detergentcan's post

That's the impression I used to have as well. But you just have to go where the young ones are.

Some buildings, like Coronet Court in North Point, have a section that's been taken over by
frequently rotated young girls. Two caveats: Bros say a few may be under age; and LE frequently
raid the place, perhaps for that reason.

There was also a cluster of girls under 25, some well under, at the beginning of Wai Yan Street
in Tai Po last time I looked, a few months back. Even further afield, in Yuen Long, there is a
building where a couple of young girls have been reported on; do a search.

As mchk says, don't rely on db pics. With walkups, one big selling point is that you can see
before you try, so no BS as with HGs. WYSIWYG when you go door knocking, but beware of
those miracle pushup bras!
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Post at 9-6-2011 07:26  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 detergentcan's post

I woud say on average, most are older, but maybe not "much older". Like mchk said, read the Walk-up reports, most guys will say "MILF" if the girl is older, but still attractive. Do this especially, if you see a girl on the DB that you like. Go to the search function on the forum and see if there are any reports.

One other tip that I use, if the girl covers her tummy in every shot- either with a shirt, her hands or her pose, there is a chance she might be a little bigger there and she is trying to cover it up.
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Post at 10-6-2011 07:44  Profile P.M. 
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i wandered thru champaign court and fuji building a few times and found only 1 girl who looked like she was in her 20s.

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