Subject: The Massage/FS formula
Kinky King
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Post at 4-6-2011 16:55  Profile P.M. 
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The Massage/FS formula

Went back to Noble Sauna after trying out some alternatives to see how it felt. It felt like home. Where have you been, the manager exclaimed. Big smile on the face of the girl delivering drinks when I said 3 words in Cantonese, "dung ling cha". So the manager brings over the active duty list of girls and I don't recognize any of them. Was I gone that long? I ask about a favorite, not working here anymore, then another, she went back home.  Wow, I wasn't ready for a complete makeover. I said, you pick one, I trust you (Big smile). Just make her tall, beautiful with big tits and friendly. OK he says I know your type.

OK get to the room and she is tall enough (by Chinese standards) pretty enough and big tits enough. Big hug says friendly too. On to the massage which turns out to be girl friend style massage,i.e., very little pressure, too much oil and not all that sensual. Oh well, I think to myself,  she has been here for 2 years she said so they have got to be keeping her around for some specialty. I was not disappointed, although I feared and early case of GDS, with the, "you very big and very long", routine. CBJ turned out great and FS just what the Doctor ordered.

So once again Noble provided a quality service that I find hard not to go back for. Since I am not using the template just score it 3.5's then 2.0 and 4.25.

My point is the universal belief that in Hong Kong the better the Massage the worse the FS and vice versa. (At least I universally believe that and I concede to exceptions). So I offer up for scorn and ridicule the HKG massage formula, which allows us to boil everything down to mathematics. Which I did not do so well at.

I submit  M/F = 1. Where M = massage delivered & F = Full service delivered or F/M = 1 if you like.
My interpretation then is that massage skills and full service skills are recipricolls resulting in a constant 1.

Any inputs on WG formulas or theories is highly  encouraged in good fun.
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Post at 4-6-2011 17:21  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 PVGoober's post

My thoughts...

First of all we can split FS into the usual components, ie pre-BJ service, BJ, FS, post-FS service.  Bonus marks will have to be given to looks and for pre-BJ and post-FS service greater emphasis can be placed on quality of service.

Maybe something like... Looks 20% Location 5% Other service (eg locker room, etc.) 5%, In-the-room service 70%

Of the in-the-room 70%, split it into 10% pre-BJ, 15% BJ, 30% FS, 5% post-FS, 10% others, like language skills, and whether she allows photos or not, etc.  Attitude, skill and looks can be given its fair weight but splitting this further will be ridiculous as everyone has their own subjective standards.

A few ideas here - let me know what you (all) think - but if we made it any more mathematical it'll be like trying to rate gymnastics, diving or other such sports at the Olympics!  Still, I wonder if this board doesn't share something in common with the Olympics...

[ Last edited by  jsw663 at 4-6-2011 17:23 ]
Kinky King
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Post at 5-6-2011 09:28  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 jsw663's post

Good thoughts, the generic gal template could use some adjustments for the sauna experience. My post was really just an attempt at lame humor on a slow day.
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Post at 5-6-2011 11:31  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 PVGoober's post

Damn, I thought you were serious for a second!

Yea, we really need someone else's input for the formula thing to work - and different templates for saunas, 141s, etc.

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