If there was one and only one gal who
1) has been on the DB (or still is) that you missed out on making an "appointment" with or
2) are eagerly waiting to see if she ever comes back
who would it be?
This must be someone you have
NOT been with but want to.
Please post a real pic or link to a real pic and the reason why.
For me it is without a doubt it is Diana here are some links to reports
http://forum.sex141.com/eforum/viewthread.php?tid=15952 thanks to Goose
http://forum.sex141.com/eforum/viewthread.php?tid=15669 thanks to Finn
http://forum.sex141.com/eforum/viewthread.php?tid=16017 thanks to xiao38
Below is a pic from one of the above links.
I think it is pretty obvious why but i will give my reasons: Cute as hell, great body and jugs, don't care about reports of her service quality.
I was actually here on two separate occasions while she was here but missed out
Hope she makes it back oneday