Throbbing Titan
UID 45445
Digest Posts
Credits 3308
Posts 1512
Karma 3224
Acceptance 1672
Reading Access 70
Registered 24-5-2010 Location PRC
Status Offline
Forum Rules <v.20.05>
This forum is here to serve as a venue to share reports on the different mongering activities available in HONG KONG primarily, but with sections that cover other parts of the world as well. This is a place for civilized discussions of adult topics. If your behavior on the forum is insulting, rude, inflammatory, condescending, or otherwise disruptive, you may find your experience here to be less than pleasant, and also brief.
The following actions are not allowed and may result in a loss of Karma, loss of posting privileges, and/or banning from the forum.
i) Discussions/reports that include underage girls (under 18), non-working girls (no exchange of money), drug use, violence, or the promotion of unsafe acts.
The creators of the site insist that everything about the site and the forum abides by applicable laws and the administrators insist it must remain that way. Now, you CAN DISCUSS illegal or unsafe matters, as long as the stance you take is to support law-abiding activities and the safety (health and otherwise) of everyone involved. For example: discussions promoting BBFS are NOT ALLOWED!
ii) Fake reports, plagiarized reports, or reports posted on the behalf of others.
In this environment, copying someone else's material is dishonorable, and depending on how deliberately you did it will lose face and Karma. It’s amazing how quickly this community can spot BS in a report. Think twice before you use anyone else's Intellectual Property (pics, text, etc.) and if you do make sure you include a full attribution of who should take the credit for the original work. You still get credit for sharing of course, just make sure you also give credit where credit is due.
iii) Using the forum for advertising purposes.
Posting blatant advertising gets you banned very quickly. Note this is NOT to say you can't endorse products you use, or write a glowing report, or make a recommendation; you can and it is encouraged in the correct sections. But simply posting a link to a website or plugging where to buy a product is the fastest proven way to get your account shut down. You know the difference!
iv) Naming or linking to competing Hong Kong websites.
This is a rule set by the Admin of the forum. We are allowed to exist even though this forum does not generate income for the owners. Therefore, this rule will be very strictly enforced. Besides, it’s just rude, so don’t do it. This only applies to Hong Kong. Websites can be linked that provide information for Mainland China, Macau, or other parts of the world.
v) Having multiple forum IDs.
It may seem a bit arbitrary for an anonymous forum, but multiple login accounts are not allowed on this Forum, just as they are not allowed on others. If you THINK you might have ANY legitimate reason for using multiple IDs, make sure you tell the mods about it before creating them. Why? This is already an anonymous forum, so there's no reason to hide ... and if you create multiple accounts the mods will automatically assume you are planning something underhanded. Your accounts will be closed fairly quickly.
vi) Sharing forum IDs, passwords or reports with anyone who is not a member or does not have the proper RA.
Members work hard to increase their RA. They also set the RA of their posts and photos as they see fit (with minimum guidelines). Sharing their work with people who it is not intended for is against the spirit of the forum. Do not try to use reports to demand similar services from WGs. This is a surprisingly small community, and word of such behavior quickly spreads.
vii) Collusion among members in order to move up the ranks, gain favor, or benefit the members in a way that is undeserved.
Don’t try to cheat the RA system. It is easily noticed and is a sure way to get banned from the forum. If you don’t believe it, check out this example: http://forum.sex141.com/eforum/viewthread.php?tid=30271
viii) Posting irrelevant, nonsensical, or disruptive comments, as well as trolling, flooding, and/or spamming. All replies to reports must contribute to the discussion or add information.
Use the rating function and its accompanying comment capability to thank, support or otherwise write one-liners. One of the fastest ways to get in trouble on this forum is to make multiple identical or near-identical replies - such as "she's great" / "thanks for the wonderful report" / "me, I like blondes" / etc. Once you're noticed for making multiple boring comments, you'll start to attract negative Acceptance points, then negative Karma points, and if you keep it up you'll pretty soon be getting LOTS of negative attention from the hardworking moderators!
ix) The reports sections are for WG reports only. Q & A, intel and other non-report posts must not go into the reports sections.
If you have an experience with a WG (money was exchanged for services) feel free to write a report in the relevant report section. If you have a question, a funny story, information on activity in a city (but not a specific girl), or a report of a girl you found on WeChat, there is a specific forum for that. Please see here for more information on the various parts of the forum: LINK
The following rules apply to photos uploaded or linked to the forum.
Inappropriate photos will be edited / deleted, and the poster may have Karma docked, lose posting privileges, and/or be banned from the forum.
i) Real pics/vids must only be of adult working girls (WGs), i.e. girls aged 18 or older who are paid for sexual services.
There are two aspects to this rule. First, very few civilians would like to be thought of as a WG. Therefore, posting pictures of civilian girls who “look like” the WG you visited is not allowed, nor is the posting of a pic of anyone who did not accept money from you for services. It doesn’t matter how “obviously” she looks like a WG. Second, innocent bystanders (male or female) must have all identifiable marks edited out of your photos, i.e. face and/or tattoos.
ii) Strictly NO photos of DHs (Domestic Helpers).
Some DHs tend to moonlight on the weekends, or when their employers are not around. They usually hang out at bars, and it is not uncommon for them to offer their services on your bed. You may share your experience on the forum, if there's monetary transaction. But please DO NOT post any photos of them. These ladies have a full-time job in Hong Kong, and it is just too unethical to expose them unnecessarily online, and risk losing their job.
iii) Real pics/vids that appear to have been shot without the WG's knowledge are not allowed.
Examples of photos that might cause trouble include: photos of a girl in the shower with her back to the camera, photos of a girl sleeping, photos of a girl obviously trying to hide away from getting photographed, etc. The mod team is likely to err on the side of caution and delete your photo, or set a very high RA.
iv) Photos included in reports must have the proper RA assigned to them.
Generally, the mods will simply adjust the RA of any photo they deem to be in violation of this rule, but repeat offenders or flagrant violations may result in further actions being taken. i. Pics taken from SEX141 database - no RA needed
ii. Pics that do not show face - RA20
iii. Pics that show face - RA30
iv. Pics that show nudity without showing face - RA30
v. Pics that show nudity and face - RA50
vi. Pics taken from WG's social media (e.g QQ/Wechat/Whatsapp) - RA50
[ Last edited by porkchops at 21-5-2020 14:09 ]