Original Post

27-9-2024 20:20
Jordan 61-63 Pilkem St Walkup - Hana (Thai)

Date of Session: 23 Sept 2024
Location: 61-63 Pilkem St Jordan - Room B
Name: Hana
Link: -
Nationality & Language: Thai & passable English
Age: 24
Face: 4 / 5 -
Body: 4 / 5
Height: 160
Skill: 3/5
Service: 4/5
GFE: 5/5
PSE: 1/5
Price & Session Length: 300 HKD + 100HKD Tip
Repeat: Yes

Quick review, found this little gem in one of my usual spots. 4 rooms were active, but Room B was my second door-bell, saw Hana and immediately entered.

She is cute, small skinny girl.

Stripped off, she joined me in the shower to wash me up, was very chatty...  was Chang Mai region in Thailand. In HK until 4th October

Onto the bed, she immediately lay on top of me, touching my body, but moved up to kiss me deep and passionately. She really was affectionate. She moved from kissing me to cat bath, licked my whole body, wasn't rushed, was in a very sensual mood.

She licked my balls (no rim), but as this was immediately more of a GFE, I keep that mood going. Her sucking was a mixture of licking and sucking.. very sensual.

I wanted to feel her riding me, so tapped her to suggest the condom... she applied some lube, mounted up and slide me in, felt nice, she didn't have any kids so her body was tight and her pussy was lovely

as she rode me, she leaned in and kept kissing me, this GFE is definitely something i would rate, but she seemed comfortable with me (i do have good hygiene, which helps)

anyway, continued til i blew my load in the condom... cleaned up (she offered to come shower for the clean-up) which is unusual.

This girl was a little gem, sweet and also had a sexy tight small body. Boobs was a small b-cup

Enjoy, I should have got her Line, I will pop back this weekend

slickric423 28-9-2024 00:01 Karma +5
Bloodrage 28-9-2024 01:16 Karma +2 How many girls are there in total to chose? Never been there
ZirePhoenix 28-9-2024 03:24 Karma +2
HK_Legend 28-9-2024 06:03 Karma +10
MrFrosty 28-9-2024 06:11 Acceptance +1
Boredbored 28-9-2024 18:32 Karma +2 Nice report
snowxhell 7-10-2024 23:22 Acceptance +1 Coming back too late to see her...
anywhichway222 8-10-2024 11:33 Karma +3
WubaLubaDubDub 9-10-2024 03:51 Acceptance +1

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