Original Post

19-4-2024 16:06
[SINGAPORE] Geylang and Boat Quay

Visited Singapore for a week, here is a little report of the scene April 2024

So the roads are called Lorong and from 8-24 (only even numbers) you can walk up and down and there are houses where you can visit girls. The houses will usually have a open sign, lanterns, flags, red numbers or other pretty obvious indications of they are "walk ups". They start to open around 1 PM and close around 2AM.

The majority of the girls are chinese, with a few viet or thai houses. The price is 60-80 SGD. The thai houses are way more popular.
I spent 2 days visiting all the houses and only found 1 or 2 girls that I might consider, but i left without trying, simply not attractive to me. Most of the girls are 30-40 years old, a few may be mid twenties and most of them are bit on the chubbier side. Not that they are fat, they are just older, chubbier and less good looking that in HK walkups. Similar price, so I rather spend my money in HK.

Boat Quay
This is an area close to the canal and walking distance to the commercial centre of bigger offices. The canal side is full of restaurants and bars, where business people chill, get some food and drinks. Restaurants close around 11 PM and bars around 2AM.
Behind the canalside, there is a road full of bars where girls will invite you in for drink and keep you company, similar to Patong/Phuket, Samui and Bangkok, main difference is that the girls wear more clothes, they dont do pole dance and there is no mamasan to pay to take the girl home. You can take the girl home if she agrees, but usually only after hours, and this just business between the girl and you. Same place, you will find plenty of "massage" parlours. They will charge you 40-80 SGD for 30 min massage and you will then negotiate for extra services. Majority of the massage ladies are 30-45 years old.

So after spending a week in SG, I didnt visit a single girl, as the scene seems to be for guys who likes a bit older/experienced ladies. I am sure its heaven for those who enjoy those type of girls. Otherwise, Singpore is a great city, good cheap hawker food, decently priced bars with nice atmosphere along boat quay and marina bay, and plenty of girls everywhere to pickup, but you would have to go to the malls or public and try your luck if you want a younger and prettier girl, and yeah SG has plenty of those as well, they just arent prostitutes in Geylang, bars or Massage parlours.

I didnt try the KTV or Bollywood bar places, nor did I try the escort services, so maybe there is prettier/younger girls available there.

Skepti10 19-4-2024 23:00 Karma +2
zel141 20-4-2024 00:01 Karma +3 So Geyland don't have young pretty street walkers anymore? Toured those houses but ended up getting service from a stre ...
Bluesky888827 21-4-2024 14:25 Acceptance +5 Did you try the Cat 150 gals. Those are at SGD $150 and I hear they are better ?
Fulltits 25-4-2024 16:11 Acceptance +2 thank you. Are there any active TG groups or MR?
JM007 27-4-2024 23:39 Acceptance +2 Went to Sg back in Oct 2023 and it sucks now.

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