Original Post

13-9-2023 11:16
Reply #4 JackTheBat's post

I have been to T-land almost every year barring Covid time

My 10+ attempts were spread across, reason for repeated attempts is to find someoone who gives best service and is also good looking

I was able to find one in the previous year, and still in my contacts and I would repeat her everytime I am in Bangkok

Reasons - she is solid 8/10 in looks to Thai standards , 3K ST fees at the end - BBBJ/GFE and woman has lovely attitude, I asked if I could share her contact to my friends and it was denied upfront, she doesn't like that to be shared and wanted to find her in the store when she is in (She visits less than 5 times a month (said so))

Reason I do not recommend 1:10+ is a bad ratio to find a gem in this place, know for sure nobody would like to have 10+ pathetic encounters to find a good deal

If you ask me If I would go again? Yes for sure, I am destined to find 4-5 women for long time repeats and branch out with their friends and knowns

JackTheBat 13-9-2023 21:33 Acceptance +10 Cool.

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