Original Post

11-9-2023 11:43

Originally posted by furryfriend at 11-9-2023 02:28
Thermae Cafe [Bangkok] is the best mongering scene in Asia right now...

Can't say I agree 100%, furryfriend, although the place has specific advantages.

Having opened in 1968, the Thermae exemplifies old-school Bangkok mongering. Back then US military and civilian personnel in the region frequented the place. Nowadays it's popular with tourists from Japan and Korea.

You see what your date looks like prior to booking an appointment, which is a plus. I've heard that service levels vary, and ST is 3K nowadays. The last time I made an assignation at the Thermae, it was 1000. I had so much fun with her I went back the next night and booked her again.

Here's a pic from around 1980. Please don't ask me for Joy's LINE ID because I don't have it.


austin821 11-9-2023 14:16 Acceptance +8
Phaychay 11-9-2023 19:56 Acceptance +4
STFCQuark 12-9-2023 02:46 Acceptance +1 I am with you on this stance. Thermae is far from the "best" mongering in Asia.
Dr.A 12-9-2023 12:05 Acceptance +5 3k baht and usually very bad servive. What a joke!
littleitalia 12-9-2023 18:11 Acceptance +5 Joy 1980 and Bad Company, that's the real shit
mihirorox 13-9-2023 22:48 Acceptance +1

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