Excellent points by lonelychopstick
As always - consult your provider. In fact, in America, there's no reason not to seek professional advice, given the county and city clinics, where their goal is public health improvement with commitments to anonymity if desired.
1) Herpes - absolutely spot on.
1a) I would encourage considering HPV risk separately from Herpes. The risk assessment in older adults, but given that we've got quite a few 20s aged mongers, it is worth encouraging connect with their health provider to discuss getting vaccinated.
2) SF pioneered the morning after approach. The caveat is the gonorrheal protection is less than that of other nasties, so it's not bullet proof. Be particularly careful of cipro or azithromycin now, given the rates of antibiotic resistance.
3) Agreed - before sessioning, go with a decision of whether you will indulge or not - given the information you have. Easier to fight off the little-head instincts if you're proactive.
+4) HIV - if you go bare, then connect with your provider and get on PREP - these days there's really no excuse (In the USA)
+5) Important to note that unlike the gold standard panel for the porn industry, most standard public STI tests do not include testing for trichomonas | |