Original Post

3-6-2013 01:56

Originally posted by wander at 2-6-2013 23:47
Hey Doghead,

Well, I woudn't expect (or hope) that she'll remove her profile.  Lord knows I don't want an exclusive thing here... just fun.  So why would she remove it?  It never even crossed my min ...

This is an interesting point.  Early on in my WYP adventures I had a very regular girl.  Twice a month two or three days each time.  After about three months, she just told me she had removed her WYP profile.  I asked why she did that and she said that by seeing me she was getting the extra cash she was needing and wasn't looking to expand into more guys.

We were together about 9 months.  After we ended very nicely, she has not returned to WYP.  

This is one of the reasons I love this site.  So many of the girls are real, p4p girls, but not true pros.  If they get what they need from you, they are happy just with that.  How refreshing.

My red head from Dallas is already asking when I am back because she is worried her next date won't go so well.  If it doesn't, then that normally makes her appreciate me even more the next time we are together.

jetsetting2much 3-6-2013 03:55 Acceptance +2 Bro, *I'm* worried my next WYP date can't measure up to Miss R.S. LOL

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