Original Post

2-6-2013 04:40

Okay, while we're trading WYP mini-reports, I'll relay my Friday night...

Was having a long (European-style) dinner with close friends here in LV on the Strip, when about 10:30 pm, I receive a booty-call via SMS from (WYP-introduced) Miss Rabbit Sex (see Post #68).  She's just leaving a friend's party and is in a nearby Casino.  

RS:  You free?  Wanna meet for a cocktail?

ME:  Sure

RS:  Where are you?

ME:  _______-steakhouse

RS:  I'm at _______ next door! Yay!

I excuse myself from my friends, say my goodbyes, and quickly move to find a quieter bar in a nearby shopping complex.

ME:  Meet me at _______, ok?

RS:  Coming LOL!

About 30 minutes later (even "next door" is far in Vegas, especially walking in high heels apparently) Miss R.S. walks into the bar wearing, classy, but super-tight-fitting blouse and silky micro-shorts, and wearing obviously expensive 5-inch heels.  Dressed to kill. Hugs and kisses follow.  I can tell that my lady barkeep is watching us thinking, "so that's what he was waiting for".  Hehe.

She's a little tipsy, but in control.  We pick-up right where we left off the previous night or two back.  We chat, joke, and tease one another like long time lovers.  I mention I really like her f*ck-me-heels and would like to buy her a pair.  This is met with her jumping off her bar stool and bear-hugging me to the near point of asphyxiation.  The bar crowd probably thought I had just popped the question, sheesh!  We finish our drinks, pay our tab and walk out into the Mall.

She knows exactly what she wants and where to get it.  The entire in-store ongoings, from trying-on to purchase takes less than 10 minutes.  I more than happily pay for the shoes, knowing that essentially I'm getting away cheap tonight--not having to buy dinner, nor many drinks at all (she came fed and "pre-heated" from her previous party).  

We're walking out of the store arms around each other's backs.  It goes totally unsaid we're heading straight to my hotel.  Seriously, before I can even take my shoes off, she's left a trail of shopping bag, shoes, purse, clothes, underwear from the door leading to the bed.  Crazy rabbit sex ensures with Miss Rabbit Sex for the entire night until the am--I lost count of the # of rounds.  This girl is seriously and totally insatiable...and that is not exaggeration.

In the morning, I have to get up early to attend appointments, but leave her in the room to wake at her leisure.  She texts me a "Thank You for the lovely night and shoes" an hour or two later.  We agree to stay in touch.

I've still got two more nights here in LV, and seriously don't know if I can take another booty-call from Miss R.S.  Though, I'm pretty sure I'll give it the old college try if she does beckon.

wander 2-6-2013 04:49 Karma +4 Frickn awesome, Bro. Sigh. Life is good sometimes...
jake.houston 2-6-2013 04:53 Karma +3 I'll be there in three weeks. Can't wait.
bossmanfred 2-6-2013 12:06 Karma +2 Excellent
doghead 2-6-2013 13:52 Karma +3 Damn, that is a great story. How much were the shoes?
max45 2-6-2013 19:13 Karma +3 Way better than a night at the Rhino.
halfclover 3-6-2013 13:52 Karma +4 "Pre-Heated" - love it!

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